Chapter 6: Broken Royalty

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Hi guys! Sorry for the short chapter! In apologies, I am changing the update schedule for this book to every Sunday!

Please let me know what you think!


The next couple weeks are spent with me at the window seal, looking over the beautiful city that I have rarely visited. But I listened to orders and didn't sneak out of my room. If the threat required my whole family and forced me to be in my room, it must be serious...

The depression set in by day 3. My schoolwork, in the idea of keeping me safe, was sent to my room. I was alone with an occasional servant giving me my homework or trying to get me to eat.

By week three, Jackson was sent in.

I jump as my door slams open. There in the doorway was a fuming Tracker Jackson.

"Why aren't you eating?!?" He roars. The servants who found him, shrink away and I can hear them run down the stairs with a flight that only fear can cause.

My anger suddenly lights, "Why the hell are you scaring the servants!?" I yell, bolting to my feet for the first time in days.

My legs give out and I collapse against the window seal. I glare at Jackson as this gives him an excuse to stalk over. "And why are you breaking down my door?!? It was unlocked!"

"I got called away from training..." He says in a low voice, "Because, you, princess, decided you aren't hungry. I am not your god damn babysitter! You are a grown beautiful woman! Stop acting like a fuming child and, damn it, eat!"

Wait... Did he just call me beautiful? That thought is quickly overwhelmed by my fury.

"No! You aren't my 'damn babysitter' so you shouldn't be telling me to eat!" I snap up at him, my legs slowly regaining feeling as I stand up.

He takes an intimidating step forward, looking down upon me with those flame-filled dangerous red and blue iris eyes.

My anger feeds my stubbornness as I glare back at him. We were inches apart.

His gaze smothers into another emotion. He tilts his head, as if eyeing me up. His eyes dart down to my mouth then back to my fuming eyes.

He takes another step closer, leaving only an inch of space between us. His musk fully covers me and my legs go weak again.

His voice drops to a husky low whisper, "If I am pulled from Tracker duties because some spoiled princess doesn't eat, there will be consequences... Princess." The last word feathers across my ear and I shiver.

He was out of my room before I could regain my senses. I collapse onto the cushioned nook and notice the bowl of oatmeal he somehow managed to get into my hands.

I growl but take the spoon, and angrily munch on the oatmeal. He is right. I need my energy.

"And you need to be healthy for when your parents come home and your future people!" My inner voice says.

Hmm... She's louder than before.

The day after, all hell broke loose.

A servant slams into my room. I stand calmly, noticing the panic on his face.

"Joshua? What's wrong?"

"Princess! I-I-I mean your majesty-I-I-I..."

"Your majesty? I am not the queen-"

He interrupts me, "Your majesty. Your parents...they're all gone. You are the queen."


Thank you everyone who is still here to read this story and I hope you enjoyeD!

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See you next week!

Daughter to the Prince of DeathTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon