Chapter 27: Different Prince

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Sorry for updating late in the day! My school has started back up and it will take some time to adjust to the schedule. 

Anyways, enjoy!


"Aurora!" A fist pounds on the door to the Captain's Quarters, startling me.

"Yes?" I call, my hands tentative against the book.

"We arrive in an hour! Get ready to leave!"

"Will do!" I shout back and flip a page. I pause, waiting to hear the Jackson's footsteps recede.

I release the breath I was holding. The past days, I had used the excuse of reading to keep myself from the boys, stating I wanted to be prepared and useful for when we get to the other kingdom to 'find my parents'. I scoff, as if. I used nights to gain information from Gabe and Logan. It was easy to put a smile on my face around them. They were easy company and I hadn't heard them planning; though I knew they would follow Jackson off the edge of the world. Plus, there was no heated kisses with them. No one was supposed to know of what happened between Jack and I...

"Supposed to."

I hadn't been able to gain much more information about the plan for me.

Adrian, strangely, began to follow me around more. Something in his eyes made me trust him a bit more than the rest. It was like understanding lurked there, as if he read my mind. While that was frightening at first, he didn't give anything away. He'd often follow me into the Captain's Quarters, picking up a book for a few hours, sitting on the couches silently, before leaving me to my 'studies', again, as if he knew I needed some time alone.

Those times I locked myself in Captain's room with his collection of books and when Adrian wasn't there I practiced. Practiced controlling it, all of it. The tingles, the eye colors, the scales, the fire, the multiples of me, and at one point and growth of me. That I did not practice more than that one time for when I suddenly grew two times my normal size, and I knew I could keep going, I almost broke my room. It was hours and hours of practice. To avoid Jackson, Jules, and the rest. To make sure no one would bother me at night, I'd head in early. I locked my door with more books and always made a scene to take candles.

Lighting them had their light stream from under my door, and no one could ever suspect that some of that light came from my own hands, my own fire.

Alright. Final test. I take a deep breath, closing my eyes. I snap them open, I feel my eye tingle and I knew it changed to my red eye. I release my inhale and flames erupt from my palm. Another slow inhale and the flame grew higher. Exhale... it grew smaller. I narrow my eyes, concentrating deeply on the flame and fwoosh! The red flames turns the hottest brilliant blue. Okay. Good start. But we could already do this. Capture it!

I close my eyes again, half concentrating on the flame and half on my blue eye. Tingles erupt from it and I remember my lesson from Tici: concentrate on what you want to freeze. Its properties. How it works. I could feel the heat, focusing on the fire, the flickering, the snapping and burning, and NOW!

My eyes open, both tingling. I bite my lip in excitement as the flame in my hand was surrounded by a bluish tint, frozen in time. We are ready.

Another pounding at the door. I instantly, drop my hands the flame disappearing. "Miss? We was wondering if ya need help cleaning your room?"

My tension releases, "No. No, its okay. Thank you. I'll go collect my stuff now and return the Captain's book."

I close the book in front of me and put it away. Unlocking and opening the door reveals the ship bustling with hyperactivity as the crew was getting ready to dock. I quickly turn into the hallway, entering my room that was right by the Captain's Cabin.

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