Chapter 25: Out to Sea

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(Again, sorry. I have been bad at updating for the last 3 weeks. I was sadly out of town this weekend. But anyways, enjoy!!)


It took some time to gather the casualties. It was a few more hours to take care of their wounds. I became the main medic, quickly taking charge. The crewmates were very helpful and listened to my instruction.

The wind had grown cool. The sky was a navy black with white twinkles dotting the black curtain. The waves were peaceful as we were by now surrounded by water on all side, hours from shore. Warm candles lighted the ship while the moon began rising over the water to cast its silver reflection.

I thank one of the boys as they bring me a glass of water. The crew were starting to settle down, the last of the cleaning finishing, and the night crew preparing for their shift.

"You'll be staying in there miss..." One of the younger crewmates points towards the Officers' Quarters under the quarter deck, "You'll be next the Captain's Quarters."

"Thank you." I smile up at him, standing and dusting off my pants. I pause as I see a figure sulking around in the shadows. I watch as Jackson peeks around him and then darts into the shadows of the Officer's quarters. I narrow my eyes, tilting my head sideways and tiptoeing towards the area.

I work silently, the waves and the groaning of the ship hiding my steps as I follow Jackson. I finally get to the end of the hallway. There were no candles. I look into the room to see Jackson on the bed, wincing as he touched the arrow embedded in his shoulder. The moon's glow was the only light in the room.

I lean against the doorframe, giving Jackson a look.

He sighs as he gives up from trying to reach around his back, still not noticing me. I knock. He jumps, his dagger instantly out. I wave. He exhales annoyedly, "What are you doing here?"

I ignore him, gently walking over to him. I crawl onto the queen-sized bed, "May I?" I gently touch one of his shoulders.

His dark eyes, glimmering in the moonlight flicker between mine. Finally, he turns, giving me access to his back.

I gently touch around the wound, noticing the angry redness, then touch the arrow. He instantly recoils away, hissing, "Gentle!"

I roll my eyes, "If you let me look at this before, you big baby, it wouldn't hurt so much!"

He growls at me. "Just pull it out."

"What?! I can't just pull it out! I need some materials." I move to get off the bed. He flips, seizing my thigh with his strong hand. "Just. Pull. It. Out." His eyes were on fire. Electricity shoots from where the warm hand was on my leg.

I push off his hand, "I said no! At least let me get bandages for the blood! Your wound can get infected without a proper cleaning!"

I move again. In a clean fluid movement, Jackson pins me to the bed, suddenly being above me. His legs trapped mine between them. "Why don't you ever listen to me, you damn stubborn princess?!"

I narrow my eyes and dart my hand up, touching the tender part of his back. He yells out, getting off me. I stand up, crossing my arms. "Why don't you ever let me help you?!"

"It's not that! Its—" He catches himself. He closes his eyes, gritting his teeth, and silently sits back down on the bed.

My heart goes out for him. I sigh, coming back and taking a seat by him. "Fine. Here, bite this." I give him a rag. He raises an eyebrow but turns his back to me. I stand up on the bed, getting a better stance to take out the arrow. I'll just use the materials in this room and get more if necessary.

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