Chapter 10: Awaken

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My eyes shoot open as my breathe is suddenly cut. A black-gloved hand crushes my throat. Darkness except for a glimmering yellow smile fills my vision. My hand grabs their arms, weakly struggling to free myself as my assailant sneers.

Air! Please Air!! My body screams. My eyes begin to bulge as I struggle harder. MOM!!! I scream in my head.

No! No! No!!! I can't die!

"Then don't!" The inner voice snarls, suddenly being all around me, but no longer sounding like me. Energy pulses into my arms. My eyes start to tingle.

BREATHE! BREATHE! I feebly claw at the man, my lungs screaming.

"Come on Aurora! SNAP OUT OF IT! LET ME GO!"

Adrenaline shoots through my blood scream. NO! NO! I Can't go this way! I-I need to live! I NEED TO PROVE MYSELF!! I scream inside my head.

"What is this stupid thing?" I hear a voice to the side of me. My eyes dart sideways to see another pair of gloved hands around my precious wolf toy. "Eh whatever. It's worthless anyways!"

No! No! That's one of my last things from him!!

The thug starts to pull it apart.

No! NO!

A thread rips.

NOOOO!!!! A roar booms in my head, mixing with my voice. My limbs shake with power and with all the strength I could muster, ram my arms into my assailant's chest.

The constricting fingers soar from my neck. I gasp for air.

"WHAM!" my assailant rams into the ceiling above me. I yelp, rolling to the side as he plummets into where I just was. A burning cough takes my throat as I take in my surroundings.

The pale moon barely lights the room to show four assailants.

"Oh, you little bitch!" screams the heavy man on my bed, writhing and tangling in my bedsheets.

I scurry towards the edge.

"AH! NO! NO! GET OFF!" I screech as he grabs my ankles. His hand crawl up one by one dragging me closer and closer and closer.

"JACKSON!" I screech.

A roar sounds and suddenly my attacker is thrown off and above me, off the bed and into the wall across the room. "BOOM!" His body leaves a dent in the wall.

My eyes connect with the dangerous ones of a predatory. His burning fire and ice eyes drill into mine, unreadable, sharp, and powerful. Jackson crouched over me, using his body as my protection. His head whips towards the attackers stumbling onto their feet from the injuries he gifted them. He's been fighting all of them?!

He snarls, his eyes sparkling. An invader attacks. Jackson swings his leg in a 180-degree arch, swiftly knocking out the criminal, all while not disturbing me. Damn.

He rams his fist into another one. The third manages to snag his shoulders as he was distracted, sending him tumbling off the bed.

"JACKSON!" I screech as I finally burst to my feet, scrambling towards them.

"STAY BACK!" He snarls, wrestling with two of them.

"Click." My eyes widen in horror as I hear loading of a crossbow. My heart echoes in my ears as I watch in slow motion as the silver machine lifts... aims... and fires.

My scream was just a distant sound as I watch the arrow fly towards its target: my personal guard who was pinned down by two assailants.

"NOOOOOO!" I scream and feel a pulse of energy explode from me. I shut my eyes as the arrow reaches his skin. Suddenly silence. The ragged breath of one fills the area.

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