Chapter 31: Fighting which Enemy

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I wince as I am dragged out of the dungeon, the light of day blinding me for a moment.

"Ah!" I hiss as I am thrown to the marble ground. I weakly push myself up, my eyes trailing up the two pairs of feet in expensive shoes and up to see the two Princes in front of me.

I offer a cruel, almost cocky, grin, "And to what do I owe the pleasure?"

"Grab her." Commands Jackson sharply, his voice like a general's.

I grunt as the brutes behind me yank me back up, not understanding that I wasn't as heavy as I looked. But hey, what's a few more bruises? I squirmed, giving a fight to the guards keeping me reigned. I leer at the two Princes with their dark gazes upon me.

"Let's go!" The Sun Prince sticks his chin out, hiding his fear at my threatening gaze, doing a clean 180° swivel, and leading through the grand hallway. The guards drag me forward, still struggling to keep me still. Jackson quickly halts them, and in two swift motions, had my arms behind me and walking me forward, completely having me under control. Now that's real power, no matter how much of a party pooper he was. The guards take their place to our sides, the scientist hobbling behind us.

"Where are you taking me?" I call out, almost as if bored.

The Sun Prince yaps, "DON'T! Don't tell her anything! Any of you!"

Jackson's voice fills my head suddenly. Him holding me and being so close allowing him to communicate through the Other Side, "Theoretically, you are being taken to the King."

Clever Jackson. Taking me from the guards to be able to speak to me. Clever. But... 'theoretically?' I peek up behind me. Jackson's eyes were almost glowing. But the look within them was not his. I tense, realizing who this was that was holding me, and it wasn't Jackson.

What are you planning Jackson? And why is Toc in charge of your body? I think internally. Tici?

"Ya. I know." She growls, high on alert at the strange actions of Jackson. I feel her disposition change as suddenly, Tici screeches, "NOW!"

My body moves with Jackson like we choreographed this.

Like the beast he was, Jackson shoves me forward. I body slam into the Sun Prince. He yelps as he goes flying forward, me on top of him. We scramble over each other as the Prince starts to scream for help. I slam my hand over his mouth, my other arm wrapping around his neck to cut off his circulation. His screams grow muffled and his writhing weaker until he collapses. I instantly let go of the passed-out Prince and flip around to Jackon.

F*ck. He was still as freaking beautiful as always. Jackson moved with the grace of a god. The scientist was already passed out on the floor. However, as he, in fancy constricting clothing, fought against the guards, it was still easy to see who the champion would be. It was as if the guards were moving in slow-motion for him. He dodged every move of these 'professionals' as though they were children. Within three hits and a flip, the two fully covered bulky guards lay unconscious at Jackson's feet.

Jackson exhales, wiping his brow. Finally, he remembers me, and his eyes snap to me. I gulp. That most certainly was not Jackson. The body of Jackson bows his head, "Princess and Tici."

I raise my chin, "Toc."

Jackson's face contorts into one of a sad smile, "Apologies Princess."

I tense.

"I did really like you. But this will only hurt a moment."

"WHAM!" I gasp as Toc in Jackson's body flies across the large space between us like a lightning bolt, slamming his fist into my stomach. Time stops for a split moment. Pain streaks through me for that second. Suddenly, I was flying backwards across the room, the only reminder of 'Jackson's' punch was a pressure in my stomach.

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