Chapter 28: Ira

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Sorry for the late evening update! 

Also, thank you so much for the 10.5 k!! It is an honor.

Please enjoy!


The restaurant was crowded by this time in the evening, as every evening. Filled with bawdy laughter, bodies pressing into each other from the closeness of the tables, waitresses barely squeezing through. Men breaking cups and tables through wrestling. It was a lively place. A place full of drunk men ready to spill all the dirty secrets.

It has been three weeks since I escaped. The black haired, grey eyed, persona I took as my own, Ira, as I liked to call myself, was thriving.

My many hours of studying at the ship allowed me to navigate this city quickly. But there was much information I needed to understand: the language, the people, the castle, and the king. My first location? The city's public library. Owned by a very strict woman who had to stay strong to keep the thieves, racket-makers, and the corrupt from taking the only source of education and knowledge for many of these people.

My own knowledge base did quick work to woo her and I was quick to work for her too. During the day, I helped with the library, sorting, teaching, protecting. I lied and said I was a regular tracker with the power of lizards. Made my scales and strength more believable; the only power I showcased outside my disguise. But I couldn't remain in my scales for too long or my disguise started to disappear. The one catch of my multitude of powers is that I could only use the powers of my ever-changing eye one at a time. I was too afraid to use my time freeze. Jackson, if he ever was in area, would feel it and I would be found.

At night, she gave me a place to stay, coins for food, and free roam of the libraries' many books and information; as long as I also cleaned the place every time. And I studied and studied and studied.

Lunch breaks were spent by her side, learning the language.

I lean back in my chair, my heels on the table, drinking down the spicy ale of the rowdy restaurant. It was good to be powerful, I got the table to myself. A heavy hand smacks my shoulder. I choke, bursting into a coughing fit with the drink going everywhere.

A booming voice laughs, "Ira! Finally came down for another rematch?"

I wipe my mouth against my sleeve, a smirk taking my lips. Jackson's world was harsher. Meaner. It wasn't the place for a princess. And it didn't really like trackers, let alone dark trackers. They were hunted and bullied unless they were strong enough to survive. Good thing I adapted, and I had enough fighting experience in me to survive. With my eyes the two different shades of grey and my tattoo being huge give away, I was quickly tested. "Grongle, I'm surprised you decided to show your face after our last match! Do you think any of these people remember your puffy cheeks after you ran crying?"

Some of the regulars hoot in laughter, cheering and booing. I laugh and Grongle 'tsks' turning to the others who were now tuning into our conversation, "Traitors! The lot of you!" Grongle, the hefty large man with a wrangled rustic beard drops into the stool at my table, grinning.

I raise an eyebrow, taking another swing and drowning down the burning liquid.


"Mm?" Some of the ale dribbles down my chin.

"I've got a challenger for ya."

"And why should I care? There is nothing you have that I want, and I am not willing to give you anything."

More hoots and hollers and Grongle rolls his tongue in his mouth then drops his voice, "I ain't asking for coin this time Ira. I want some dignity back. If you win, I'll give you the map of the inner castle."

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