Chapter 25 - Blood Sucker

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This is Jennie's ending.

The minute they got you, Jennie was already planning on having you all to herself, she just needed the right timing. It's easy, Jennie just needs to inject her venom in your veins and you'll be on your first stage of becoming like her, but of course, she wanted her members to have a little fun with you first.

"Yujin? You awake?" When Jennie didn't get a response from you, she went inside your room and saw that you were sleeping. You were hugging a pillow, Jennie thought you looked really cute at the moment, her desire to own you becomes stronger. Jennie caressed your cheeks, closing her eyes before mumbling something.

"You wouldn't like what I'm gonna do, so sleep tight my love." Jennie opened her eyes, the color was dark red. She placed a spell on you, a spell that you won't wake up from your sleep even if there's a lot of noise and Jennie is the only one who can wake you up. She's gonna do her plan now and she knows you won't like it.

"I can't wait." Jennie whispered to herself before leaving your room and got inside a another, it was Jisoo's room. She carefully closed the door, admiring her unnie sleeping peacefully. Jennie got on top of Jisoo, carefully straddling her hips before leaning towards her neck, sighing when she got a whiff of her unnie's scent. Jisoo's blood is her fav after yours. The oldest groaned, opening her eyes to see Jennie's eyes looking at her.

"Jennie? Why are you here? Are you thirsty?" Jisoo spoke, her voice hoarse. She's confused why the younger is at her room right now, even since you found out about their secrets, Jennie barely asks Jisoo for her blood. Jisoo opened her eyes when Jennie grabbed her chin, making her look at her.

"Please forgive me, unnie." Before Jisoo could response, she felt a sharp pain in her neck that made her growl and tried to push Jennie off her. The pain was different, it wasn't the same when Jennie was drinking from her, this was intense.

"Jennie stop!" Jisoo yelled, her eyes changing colors, it's like her body doesn't know what to do anymore. Jennie was killing her, she couldn't believe it. Jennie was injecting her venom into Jisoo and unlike to a human that will turn into a vampire, since Jisoo is already a supernatural being, having Jennie's venom in her would result into a very painful death for her. When Jennie pulled away, Jisoo's eyes were closing.

"Take care of her." That was Jisoo's last words before falling unconscious. Jennie sighed, feeling no remorse for killing her unnie. She placed a kiss on the oldest's lips before heading to Lisa's room.

Lisa was still awake, good thing she was wearing headphones so she didn't hear what happened with Jisoo. Jennie carefully went behind the youngest and smoothly slashing Lisa's throat, the Thai gasped, holding her throat before turning around to see Jennie smiling at her.

"J-Jennie?" Her eyes were wide, trying her best to stop the bleeding. Jennie was just watching her with her head tilted to the side, Lisa was doing her best to stay alive, she didn't want to die. The youngest was slowly feeling her death and she took one last glance at Jennie, before her eyes closed.

"Fuck you." That was Lisa's last words. Jennie giggled, licking the blood from Lisa's neck, her clothes now have blood stains on it. Now the last member, Chaeyoung.

It's a little hard for her when it comes to the Aussie, she just can't bite her and inject her venom because she could get a taste of Chaeyoung's blood and that won't be good for her. Maybe she can stab her and let her bleed to death but she was an immortal like her. When Jennie arrived at Chaeyoung's room, she saw her sitting on her bed, her eyes blue. The Angel heard what happened and she couldn't believe it that Jennie got to do it first.

"Had fun killing Lisa and Jisoo, Jennie?" Jennie's eyes widened, her eyes following Chaeyoung when she stood up, stepping back when she got close to her.

"You heard everything?" Chaeyoung nods, staring right at Jennie's red eyes. She heard all of it, she just didn't help because honestly, it's a good thing for her with the other two dead.

"You gonna kill me now? Good luck with that." Jennie was caught, there's no way she'll kill Chaeyoung now. She closed her eyes but opened them once again when she had an idea. Jennie kissed the girl in front of her, walking forward until Chaeyoung's legs hit the bed, making her fall on top of her.

"You look so hot right now, Chae." Jennie mumbled against the younger's lips, Chaeyoung trying her best to stay focused, the turn of events shocked her a bit. She felt Jennie grind on her, making her moan into the older's lips.

"Jennie s-stop." Chaeyoung stuttered, her eyes closing when Jennie sucked on her neck, giving her a huge hickey. She knows Jennie is planning something. While Jennie was taking her time abusing Chaeyoung's neck, she made a cut on her wrist, pulling away when she felt blood. She grabbed Chaeyoung's chin, forcedly opening her mouth before letting blood drip inside of it. Chaeyoung struggled to get away but when she felt the first drop of blood, she knew Jennie won and she hated herself for not being attentive. Jennie got up, watching Chaeyoung gripped her throat, she looked at her one last time before dropping unconscious.

"I'm sorry, Chaeyoung."


"Jennie?" You mumbled, your throat hurting and you didn't know why but you do know that you're thirsty for something. You sat up, seeing that you were at a different room but it doesn't look like any of the girl's room. You stood up to find anyone, your legs shaking and before you could hit the ground, someone caught you.

"You're finally awake." You heard Jennie's voice, you whimpered holding her tight. She chuckled before lifting you up and placing you back on the bed, she saw that you were pale and kept on clawing your throat. That made her smirk because her plan worked out great. She made a small slit in her wrist before putting it right next to your mouth, you immediately starts sucking from it.

After killing her members, she turned you and tried her best to make everything look like someone murdered them. She stabbed Jisoo's dead body on her stomach and chest, doing the same with Chaeyoung with an additional hit on her head and stabbing Lisa right on her heart. Jennie placed some bruises on herself and you, making sure to put some blood as well and she started acting. She called her managers and told them that someone broke into their dorm and killed the others and harmed you two. Police and their managers immediately went to the dorms and saw three dead bodies, one unconscious and one severely harmed.

They brought you and Jennie to a hospital, the immortal smiling internally because they believed her. What happened to the others was announced and everyone is doing their best to find the murderer, not knowing that it was Jennie all along.

After you pulled away, Jennie kissed you roughly, tasting her blood on your lips. You moaned, giving her entrance and allowing her to explore your mouth. You still have no idea what happened, you just woke up after Jennie turned you and the older girl knows that it will take a long time for you to get used from this, but she's willing to do that for the sake of owning you all to herself.


I hope you like it! Thank you for reading too, Jisoo's ending will be up next.

I think it's obvious that I ship chaennie?

[ C ] 𝒐𝒃𝒔𝒆𝒔𝒔𝒊𝒗𝒆 𝒍𝒐𝒗𝒆 | 𝙱𝙿 𝚡 𝙵𝚁Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum