Chapter 18 - Chances

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That incident made you a lot more clingy, still scared that anyone would take you away from them and the girls liked it so much. You were finally dependent on them. That incident was also known about the public, criticising those officers for acting like that and invading their privacy. YG threatened to sue them if they keep on doing that, telling them that Yujin wasn't the missing girl and you were just a special person to blackpink.

Since they know that you're scared of someone taking you away from them, they were sure that you won't escape them anymore so they now bring you outside with them if you want to. You and the girls were currently grocery shopping, you were having the time of your life because they told you to buy anything you want and you did. Buying some snacks for you and little you. You were currently with Jisoo, she was looking through the powdered milks, looking for the brand that she wanted for you. The other girls were looking for other stuffs.

You were looking at the snacks you have you have on the cart, you were in little space and you were thinking on what you would eat first. You heard a kid go up to a middle aged woman, the kid was asking her if she could help find her mom since the store was pretty big. He didn't want to go missing so he asked for help and the woman helped her. You were missing, you were missing for a long time now and even your little self knew that. To think of it, you can go up to anyone and tell them who you are, you also recalled that there was a police officer doing her shopping too. This was a chance.

But instead of being happy, you were terrified and back hugged Jisoo all of a sudden. She asked you what's wrong but turned around to hug you when she heard you sob.

"Please don't leave me, don't let them take me away." You mumbled while silently sobbing in Jisoo's chest, her heart ache seeing you cry like that. Jisoo rubbed your back, helping you to calm down while whispering sweet nothings in your ears.

Chance number 1, gone.


You ran inside the dorm, excited to eat some of your snacks when you all arrived, going straight to the kitchen to wait for them. The girls laughed at you, placing the grocery bags on the counter. You were bouncing a little, waiting for Jisoo and Lisa to take all of them out. You were still in little space.

"Babygirl, wait okay? How about you play while we do this?"

"But my snacks." Your pout was kissed by Lisa.

"What do you want to eat first? I'll give it to you when we're done."

"I want brownies and ice cream please!" You shouted, running to the living room and saw Dalgom.

"Dalgom-ah!" You played with Dalgom, running around the living room chasing him. The girls just let you, the living floor was made out of soft carpet that they placed just for you. Dalgom ran to the front door that was slightly open, you followed him, your smile dropping when you saw the door. You picked up Dalgom, still staring at the door. You don't know if the girls were looking but you can literally run outside and shout for help, you can even hear some people conversing at the hallway. If no one believed you, you can just show their marks on you, it was their names so that's enough proof.

Without you knowing, the girls were actually looking at you, waiting for your next move. Jennie was ready if ever you do run outside. You sighed deeply, going back to little space and scolding Dalgom while you walked back to the living room, after closing and locking the door.

The girls were very much pleased with what you did, deciding to give you a reward later.

Chance number 2, gone.


You're currently with Yeri right now, the girls trusted you enough to go hang out with her but you two were only allowed at the cafe near their dorm. You were happy because this is the first time you're outside without them and you were finally hanging out with a friend. You were wearing your collars of course, one on your neck and one on your ankle.

You and Yeri got close even outside of little space, the girls trusted her because she wasn't showing any signs of threat. You two just sat at a table at the corner, talking to each other about anything you two can. The girls would time to time check up on you by either texting you or calling you. Yeri wanted to go somewhere else, like a mall but you know that you shouldn't disobey the girls and because you didn't want to.

"They're really strict, huh?"

"They're just protective."

You excused yourself to go to the bathroom, you went inside and did your business. You went out of the cubicle, going to the sink to wash your hands. You looked at yourself at the mirror, that thought of you finally having the chance to leave coming back. You're at a public place, the girls aren't here, you can tell Yeri what's wrong! But you didn't, they really broke you, they made you want only them and nothing more.

The girls were panicking at the moment, they saw on the tracker that you were at a bathroom for quite some time now and you weren't moving, your brand new phone had that feature that you had in your last phone, on where they can see what you're doing but there's nothing. The last time this happened, they only found your collar and phone at the bathroom and the scene didn't turned out good.

You went out of the bathroom, surprised to see Lisa and Chaeyoung without Yeri at the table. They ran to you when they saw you, immediately pulling you into their arms. Good thing there weren't that much people at the cafe and Yeri went to the bathroom too.

"We thought you left us again." Lisa's whispered, running her fingers through your hair while your face was in Chaeyoung's chest. The pink haired girl was rubbing your back, trying to calm herself down.

You pulled away and looked at the girls before saying something that made they love you more.

"I'm not gonna leave you, I don't want that. I love you."

Chance number 3, gone.

You had lots of chances and instead of getting them, you didn't. You can't see yourself anywhere other than in the girls' arms.


Okay so, one of the reason why I didn't update yesterday was because this is coming to an end and I'm trying to find ways to make it longer, but I think I cant.

And please, I know you really like this story and I'm happy with that but don't force me to update. I really like this story and it's fun making it, but keep in mind I can't always update everyday, I have things to do too. I hope you understand. Thank you.

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