Chapter 21 - Original Ending

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You screamed and begged for mercy, the girls were doing it again but this time, it was just because they wanted to. They were doing you all at the same time again and of course, like the demons they are, they didn't stopped when you asked them to.

You were feeling light headed, you were tied up from the ceiling, ropes were around your wrists while they do what they want with your body. Your head lay low while Jisoo and Chaeyoung was thrusting inside both of your holes, you're breathe was getting shorter, you know you're gonna pass out or better, pass away anytime soon now but you don't want to tell them, you wanted to escape from this life. Jennie screaming your name was the last thing you heard before darkness consumed you.

Somewhere at a hospital in Seoul,

There was a girl, lying down on a bed with a bunch of wires connected to her. Beeping of machines and the fan circling are the only things you hear. The girls laying on the bed, who's name was Y/N, started moving her fingers, machines around her started beeping loudly when she opened her eyes. The nurse, who went inside because of the noise, gasped when she saw your pupils look around the room, turning around to call for a doctor.

"Doctor! Y/N is awake!" Everyone that heard the news rushed over to the patient's room, surprised to see that that girl is indeed already awake. Y/N panicked, not knowing who they are and what to do, but a doctor calmed her down, assuring her that they are there to help.

After a few minutes that seemed like hours for Y/N, they were already done and the patient was now sitting on her bed with a help of a nurse. She wasn't talking, she knows they can help her but she doesn't know anyone, anything, even about herself. She was confused why they were calling her Y/N, her name is Yujin.

The doctor who was taking care of Y/N called the people that was on the emergency contact, telling them that the girls is now awake. The person on the other line thanked the doctor before they went on their way.

Y/N was looking around her room, only knowing that she's in a hospital and not knowing why. She was looking and longing for someone, she badly needs them right now.

'How did I get here? Did they harm me again?' She thought, moving her arms and feet slightly, she also wonders how long was she out for. Y/N looked at the door when it was opened, it was her doctor together with four girls behind her. Her eyes was still blurry, so she can't exactly see who it was.

"Oh my god, she is awake." A voice said, her voice muffled because her hand was covering her mouth due to disbelief. Y/N however, recognized who it was and she started asking for her.

"Jennie?" Y/N whispered but loud enough to be heard by the people inside, the doctor went beside the patient's bed, checking her stats. Jennie, who was called by Y/N, got curious with the girl and went beside her to only be wrapped around the patient's arms. It was tight and urgent that it made her wrapped her arms around Y/N too, looking at her members and doctor for answers.

"I-i'm scared, I c-can't remember a-anything." Y/N cried in Jennie's arms, finally finding some comfort after she woke up. The doctor asked Y/N some questions to test her but the patient wasn't answering, still in Jennie's arms.

"Sweetie, what's your name?" Jisoo tried and asked the girl when the doctor encourage them to do so, she placed her hands on her shoulder, smiling at Y/N when she looked up.

"M-my name is Y-Yujin."

The doctor wrote this down, his eyes furrowed because that is not her name.

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