Chapter 47| new kicks

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You found yourself hearing an annoying beeping, constant, loud, frustrating. You felt softness beneath you, the air smelt like disinfectant. And something was grabbing your hand.

Eyes heavy, you managed to get them open, finding yourself in a eerie white room connected to a heart monitor, and a few other machines. You felt groggy and kind of sore. It all came back to you.

You got shot during the sting operation, gazing down at your hand, you found intertwined with another. Following up the arm, you found L asleep curled up in the chair beside you. How long had he been here?

"L" you said sleepily.

He stayed asleep.


This time you said it louder, shaking his hand. He stirred waking up.

"(Y/n)!" He sighed in relief, pulling you into a gentle hug.

"How long has it been?" You asked.

"A few days, but don't worry the case and plan are going fine. Holy hell I was so worried, I'm going to fucking castrate Higuchi for that..."

He was clearly tired, anxious and worried sick all now piling into a sudden relief and anger.

"At least I made it out in one piece though" you said.

He broke the hug, giving you a sorrowful look.


You were confused for a moment, then it suddenly hit you. Dread filled your body and you threw back the blankets. Sure enough, at the end of your bed only sat one foot. The other was missing. You didn't know what to say...

"The bullet got lodged and did too much damage. It basically paralysed that foot form the ankle down... so they amputated it..."

You just starred, in complete shock. Now you really wanted to help L castrate Higuchi, he caused you to loose a whole body part. You knew that it was completely possible to live and function with one foot, boy it was still and icy shock. You'd have to learn to walk on a prosthetic, you'd be limited in movement for a while, you'd probably start experiencing phantom limbs, it was going to take a lot to get used to.

L watched you with a pained expression as you simply starred down at the bandaged leg missing its foot. You didn't know what to say, or do, or how to react. You just... froze.

"(Y/n)..." L said.

You blinked, sighing and leaning back into the pillows.

"I said I'd sacrifice anything to keep you safe... it's just a foot..." you said.

You said that, and meant it. But it was clear you still didn't know how to feel about everything. You felt L pull you into his arms, you leaned against his shoulder just letting him embrace you in that stunned silence. You were so conflicted, you'd seen many tragedies in your time as a deity, but this was the first time you'd experienced one yourself since your death.

"You'll be fine (y/n). You're much stronger than I am, you can get through things like this easily" L reassured.

"It's... a setback... but it's workable" you replied, starting down at the bandage covering the end of your leg, foot missing.

"You can fly, you'll learn to walk on a prosthetic just fine, if worst comes to worst I'll just give you piggybacks everywhere... you'll be fine"

"I know..."

A shroud of silence fell over you for a moment, just wallowing in the felling of L's warm embrace. You didn't want to have to face this change right now, you wanted your mind off if.

"Where's the book?" You asked.

"Hidden away at taskforce. Light and Misa haven't touched it. But... the Shinigami talked to me" L replied.

"What did they say?"

"Her name is Rem, she's deeply in love with Misa but won't say it outright. She struck me a deal, if we get Misa away from Light and shorten her sentence, she'll join our side and not harm anyone"

"Did you take it?"

"Yeah, it's doable but will be a little hard with how brainwashed Misa is. But, it keeps the taskforce from being harmed so it's worth the chance" he replied.

It was a good move, and like he said it'll be hard but worth it. Having a Shinigami on your side was invaluable right now, she acted like a double agent of sorts. L noticed your intense stare down at your missing foot, taking your cheeks into his hands and making you face away and look at him.

"Hey... don't think about it. You're fine. Maybe a little traumatised, then again so am I, but I'm still alive, I'm still functioning. Physically you'll be ok, you'll be able to walk still. Mentally... a little scarred but it's ok, you'll figure it all out. You always do" he said.

You gave him a sad smile, placing a kiss on his forehead.

"I love you" you said.

"I love you too" he replied, retuning the kiss.

He thought for a moment, wondering weather to bring up another heavy topic, decided to go for it to get it out of the way.

"While we're talking about dark stuff I have to ask..." he began.

You tilted your head in confusion to show you were listening.

"We're you killed in our last human life together?"

You froze again. How did he know? How on earth did he figure it out?

"L you have enough trauma I don't-"

"Tell me... I need closure"

You sighed, giving in.

"Yeah. We were going to get married, my sister in that life had just gotten married to a horrible man using us for money. One night a fight broke out between the two of them, we tried to talk them down but things got violent. He pulled a knife on us for interfering, I jumped in front of it to protect you and got stabbed in the back. He ran off after seeing what he did, my sister ran to the town doctor. I... lay on the floor bleeding out in your arms as you begged me to hold on. But I lost too much blood and died. That's why I have a scar on my back" you explained.

He was silent for a moment before he took in a breath and gave you a broken gaze.

"I had dreams about that when I was little... when you showed up and explained past lives to me I started to connect the dots" he replied.

"You knew?"

"I had a hunch. I haven't been able to stop thinking about it recently. Like I need to get revenge... solve the case... something feels... so familiar. Ever since you came here, ever since the case started there's been this weird familiarity about something. Like I've done this before but a little different"

"Déjà vu?" You asked.

"Kind of, but I can't remember what from. I think it has something to do with that life but I can hardly remember anything because I've had so many lives in between that"

You tried to recall anything to do with that life that might fit this situation, but couldn't. You did kind of get what he meant. You always has weird vibes about this case, but always brushed it off. Maybe L gets the déjà vu worse than you did? You already knew the Kami watching this play out we're looking through life logs to try and place it all together. You'd have to ask them next time you saw one.

"You know what. No more sad stuff. We'll figure that out next time we see a Kami and right now you need to focus on positivity and recovery. If you wanna get out of this creepy hospital you'll have to up walking around quickly" L said.

"You're right, we can't stay moping around. Get a doctor in here and give me a damn prosthetic. Loosing a limb won't stop me from keeping you safe"

Ethereal {L Lawliet x Reader} • Death Note [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now