Chapter 28| move day

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The case was temporary on hold while the taskforce moved into the new HQ.

Today was setting things up and moving in everyone's belongings. Light and Misa, now lacking memories of the Death Note were released after a rather scary test L put them through.

"This place is huge, where'd you get the funds for this?" Light asked, grabbing a box from the back of one of the cars.

"I'm the worlds greatest detective Light. I have money" L replied, picking up another box.

The taskforce loaded all the boxes of files and tapes out of the cars, ready for a long day of stacking and organising. Misa climbed out of the car holding multiple coat hangers containing fancy goth dresses she couldn't fit in her boxes.

"My floor is the 20th right?" She asked.

"Yes, go nuts. Just don't break anything" L replied.

"(Y/n), I know you have to unpack your stuff but can you help with those boxes in the back seat? They have porcelain dolls in them and I don't want to break them"

You opened the car doors to grab some.

"Sure, better take these in together" you replied.

Throwing her dresses over her shoulders, she grabbed the other end of the heavy boxes and the two of you carefully carried them all inside to take up to her room.

"I'm unpacking my stuff first so I actually have somewhere to pass out, I have to set up my bed. I'll help with the tapes in a while" L said, grabbing the rolled up blankets and placing them on top of his box to carry to the room he shared with you.

"Alright, don't take too long there a lot of tapes" Light replied.

Everyone splitting up to head to their rooms with their stuff, L headed for the top floor and had to use his flexibility to push the door handle down with his foot and kick the door open as his hands were full. Putting the boxes down, he looked around the room. You'd designed the majority of this room. The bed was big and circle shaped for your wings. There was a balcony, en suite, walk in closet and the decor modelled what L imagined the aether to look like.

"Hey kid"

Jumping out of his skin, L turned to look behind him.

Sitting on the red velvet sofa you'd picked out was a man, young looking with long brown hair that curled a bit. He wore a Greek toga with an ambrosia leaf crown. A snake hung around his shoulders and a necklace with a golden grape pendant hung from his neck.

"Dionysus-" L said.

"Correct, don't say it so loud I'm not meant to be down here" he replied.

"What are-"

"Just checking in. I saw the Kira's lost their memories and I watched that conversation you had with (y/n) about finding the death note that was hidden. Good plan, sounds like it'll work" he said, getting up and looking around at the room you designed.

L scanned him down. He looked so human, if he wore modern clothes he never would have guessed he was a Kami. He had that classic deity glow, and the crown and sacred animal. But other than that you really couldn't tell unless you were up close. While he looked human there seemed to be something about him that gave away the fact he was a deity. L couldn't figure out what, but it was like he was a... glorified human. Like one of those perfectly done statues depicting him came to life. Completely clear skin, defined body that seemed like a doll, bright eyes and hair with seemingly zero tangles.

"Your girls got a good eye for design, this room looks like a condensed version of the aether. All that's missing is the clouds and ambrosia trees. And look at this bed! So big! Winged deities would go feral for it!" He said, running his fingers along the silk sheets.

Ethereal {L Lawliet x Reader} • Death Note [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now