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🎶 Can't catch me now - Olivia Rodrigo 🎶

After hearing that I stood there not being able to breathe. My feet took steps back and I stopped when the wall hit my back. I couldn't think of anything and I stood there being numb. I didn't hear anything after that cause maybe I went all deaf. After some time something hit me and I came back to my senses. I couldn't make any decisions instantly.

His mother was here to take me and I couldn't let that happen. I was about to leave but realized that I had a gift in my hand that I had brought for him. I slowly placed the gift on the floor and walked down. I wanted to use my speed and leave the house right away but if I did that they would know I was here. When I reached the front door I saw Rima coming towards the house so I went behind the couch and hid there.

Once she climbed the stairs, I walked out of the house calmly. As soon I was out of the boundary and quite far away from the house I ran. I ran and ran without looking back once. I was crying and running at the same time. Amol played with me and this time it was real. He made a deal with his parents. He wanted all the blood for himself. I don't know how long I was running. I suddenly stopped in front of a tree and sat under it.

I couldn't believe that Amol was playing with me all this time. Rima, Rima lied to me about everything. They all played me? They wanted nothing but my blood. I didn't know where to go and ask for help or save myself now that I was a vampire. I was strong but I knew I would never be able to defeat them. Deep down my heart knew that Amol would never do that to me after what we had been through. For once, I didn't want to believe what I heard and believe him but I couldn't go back cause they were there waiting for me.

I got up and ran again. Even though I ran away from them, my sister was still there. I knew they would try to get to me through her. They would use her or even torture her. I took my phone out of my pocket and saw her messages. She had sent it when I was still there. Thankfully, I always kept my phone on silent. The messages read that she was leaving abroad for a month or more and relief filled me. I replied to her that I was going to the place where there wouldn't be any network so asked her not to try to contact me and threw the phone in the water.

It was already evening when I came to the middle of the forest. It was far away from Amol's house. I was probably in another place now. I saw an abandoned hut. I thought of taking a rest there. Before I was a vampire, I was afraid of the dark but now I was the dark myself. I went inside and took a rest. It was abandoned but seemed like someone lived here not long before. I was thirsty but I didn't want to drink from animals so I took a walk around and came out of the forest. I heard a scream from quite afar and followed it. It was the scream of a girl.

"Help, somebody help," she was screaming.

Two guys were banging their hands at her car window.

"Come on, it will be fun. Don't be shy now," they laughed at once.

"You can't get away from us now,"

My blood boiled with anger. I walked toward them and as soon as they saw me they turned their full attention towards me.

"Bloody humans," came out of my mouth.

No one was safe here and the weird thing was humans were not safe around humans themselves. Especially women around males and that was so fucking weird and hurtful to think. They started to come toward me and I used my speed to grab one of the guy's neck.

"Now scream," I said and bit his neck. I drank his blood. It felt so good, I could not even explain it. Another one screamed and ran away. I didn't kill that guy cause I wanted to make their life like they tried to make that girl's life, full of fear. I threw that guy aside and went after another guy. He hid behind the tree but couldn't hide from me. I came in front of him and smirked.

"Now, you know what fear is? How it feels like to be harassed. But the thing is I am not here to rape you but..." I said and bit his neck. I drank his blood and quenched my thirst.

After that, I searched his pocket but there was no phone. I went and searched for another guy's pocket and found a phone. I called the police for help and was about to leave but couldn't. I couldn't trust the police looking at the girl in the car. She had her head in her lap and covered her head using her hands. She looked so scared. After hearing the news and everything that was going on and being afraid that maybe only male police would come I couldn't leave. There were so many negative thoughts going on in my head. What if only male policemen came and they also tried to do what these guys were doing?

I looked at her car and saw that all the tires were punctured. They must have already planned this so they could get success in their dirty plan.

"Hey?" I called her but she didn't look up.

"I am a girl," I shouted.

It pinched me when I said, A girl? Why does it have to be a girl to feel safe? Why don't we feel safe around males? Why? This thing was running around my head and when I thought of the word male, Amol came to my mind. How did I wish this world was filled with males like Amol but was I so sure about him? I mean after I had heard everything back there? I pushed those thoughts away and talked to that girl.

"They won't harm you anymore," as I said that she slowly looked up at me.

"Police will be here at any time. No need to be scared now," I said and then went and stood near the tree.

I stood there thinking about what I had always thought. There was not a time when I heard of a rape case and didn't put myself in the place of that victim. I always thought my parents wouldn't have supported me if I was in the place of the victim cause I know one time when I was found in a room with my classmate who was a boy and they made a big issue out of it like I did a crime. That day I found out what type of narrow-minded people my parents were. Still, I think that if I was raped or something they would have thrown me out of their life, or worst they would have made me keep quiet so their so-called prestige wouldn't be damaged in front of their so-called relatives.

I learned many things in my life and one of those was that if you know what's exactly your place in people's lives, it gets a lot easier to live. Their treatment won't bother you or hurt you if you know your right place in their life.

After some time the police came. Relief filled me when I saw women police too. They looked everywhere and found the two bastards I had drank blood from. They were still unconscious and when the police sprinkled the water in their face, they almost screamed getting up. I almost laughed looking at their condition. But the blood was so warm and tasty.

I had never drunk directly from humans but if I ever get the chance I would love to drink from those humans who were nasty like them. I had licked the place in their neck where I bit so I was sure there won't be any mark. They were unconscious and relief filled me knowing when they would come back they wouldn't be the same guys. Maybe after today, they will get some brain in their head? I had already told the police everything on the phone so they arrested them and took the girl with them too. She turned and looked around maybe searching for me. I was happy that now she was safe.

I walked back to that hut and laid down to sleep but sleep never came. Amol and the questions were in my mind. I still couldn't believe what I heard. Did he play me? No, no, my Amol would never do that. There must be some reason. I will not believe anything I have heard unless I hear it from his mouth. I mean, I heard it from his mouth but I don't want to believe it. I won't believe it unless he comes in front of me and tells me he lied and was playing all this time to get my blood but as much as I know him, my Amol would never do that. Then why I was here? Running? Away from him? Why couldn't I ask him right then?

I couldn't stay there lying down so I got out and sat outside in the dark looking at the sky. The stars and moon, it was so beautiful. I wonder why we were so afraid of the dark. I mean humans, why? Dark is beautiful. I looked around me afraid that somebody had followed me but thankfully the whole night no one came in front of me. Now I got a place to live but I don't know for how long.

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