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🎶 Night Changes - One direction 🎶

I felt really bad about what happened between us. I waited for him to come back but he didn't. I lay on the bed and tried to fall asleep but I couldn't. As soon as I closed my eyes, his words started to ring in my head.

"I wanted to be with you,"

Did he miss me as I missed him? I got up and slowly went to his office. I stared at his office door and the light was still on. Was he still working? I wanted to apologize for not trusting him, and thinking that way about him. I slowly went and stood in front of his door, not sure if I should go inside.

"What if he shouts at me or tells me to leave?" I whispered.

He had never spoken harshly or in a loud voice to me. Whenever he was angry, he would stay silent or simply tell me to leave. I slowly opened the door. The lamp on the desk was on and the desk was empty. My eyes searched him everywhere in the room. The room was dark and I couldn't see where he was. After looking everywhere I found him lying on the couch.

I slowly went near him hoping he was not angry. His eyes were closed but I knew he wasn't asleep. I looked at the clock and it was almost 1 in the morning. I sat on the couch and slowly laid myself down. The space on the couch was little and my half body was outside. If he moved, I would fall out of it. I placed my hand on his chest and he pulled me close. Now, my whole body was on the couch. I hugged him tightly but he wouldn't speak a word. I looked at him and his eyes were closed. I wanted him to speak and tell me he wasn't angry but he didn't. My heart was heavy seeing him ignoring me.

"I..I...I'm.." I couldn't say it.

I stayed there looking at him hoping he would say something but still he didn't. Slowly tears fell down my cheeks. I couldn't take it that he was ignoring me. I opened my mouth but nothing came so I got up and ran towards the room.

As soon as I went inside sob escaped from my mouth. I couldn't stop myself from crying. I hated crying tears loved me. I sat on the bed crying. I never meant to hurt him but that's what I always did. I got up and was about to go towards the bathroom when I felt him behind me.

When did he come?

"It's okay," he whispered, turning me around and pulling me into a hug. He placed kisses on my temple and slowly rubbed my back.

"I am sorry," I heard him say.

Why was he sorry?

"I am sorry If I was rude," He said again and kept kissing my temple.

I slowly looked up at him. He looked sad. I slowly brought my hand up to touch his cheeks but I couldn't. I was about to pull off when he held my hand and placed it on his cheek. He placed a kiss on my hand giving me that soft smile.

"You..." I sniffled "were...angry,"

He smiled and shook his head. He then wiped my tears and kissed my cheek.

"I wasn't angry just... Maybe...hurt a little bit," he looked down between us.

"I am sorry," I apologized. "I couldn't control myself when Ratna told me you were with her,"

He slowly looked at me.

"I would never cheat on you,"

I smiled. I don't know why but I believed him.

"Do you believe my words?" he asked.

I slowly touched his hand while nodding. The way he was looking at me had butterflies inside my stomach. My eyes went to his lips wanting to kiss them. My eyes lingered on them for a while. As if he knew he leaned his face towards mine and slowly felt his lips on mine.

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