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Jungkook sat in his room and stared at the ceiling. He felt lonely and in the meantime he could no longer pretend that Jimin meant nothing to him. They’d spent months together, getting to know each other outside of the feud they had had for years. Jungkook learned so much about Jimin it was hard not to fall in love with him. It still hurt though.

Jimin had learned his lesson, or at least he hoped he had, because he missed Jimin very much. The Ravenclaw sighed and stood up.

Just as he was about to leave the Ravenclaw Tower, Jimin ran towards him.

“Jungkook do you have a moment?” He asked carefully.
The Ravenclaw nodded and looked at Jimin questioningly.

“Would you come with me?” Jimin smiled shyly. There was a fragile look in his eye as if he would fall apart if Jungkook said no. He had no intention of doing that today.

“Okay.” Jungkook smiled back and followed Jimin, who led him to the Room of Requirements.
“I beg you to just hear me out, okay?”
“I promise.” Jungkook nodded.
Jimin opened the door and closed it again behind Jungkook. The Ravenclaw looked around the room, gasping at what he saw.

“Wow Jimin what….?”

“No talking, just listen.” Jimin said determinedly and took Jungkook by the hand to lead him to one of the chairs that were in the room.

Jungkook sat down and looked at Jimin expectantly.

“Okay, this is gonna be a little embarrassing.” Mumbled Jimin and took a deep breath. “As you can see, I’ve prepared a few things here.” At first, Jimin pointed to a picnic basket. “Remember our first date? I was actually quite surprised that you really agreed to my request. At the time, I was still into it just because of the bet, but the longer we talked, the more I began to like you.” Jimin smiled gently. “Your broom was my first gift to you, I had no idea how else to convince you that I was seriously interested in you. I hope you’re still happy about it.” Jimin looked up. “Each of these memories are burned deep into my heart. But the most beautiful memory of all is the snow ball fight. The day you told me you loved me.” Jimin swallowed and tried to control his tears. “You told me you loved me, and I couldn’t say it back. I could have, because I was already very much in love with you at that time, but I was too proud. I should have said it back” Jimin looked down and then in Jungkook’s eyes. “I made a mistake and realized too late that I not only harmed myself but also you with this stupid bet. I would have had a chance to have a wonderful boyfriend if I had dared to talk to you.”

Jimin walked up to Jungkook and knelt down in front of him, took the younger man’s hand and smiled gently. “Jeon Jungkook, you know I love you, honestly. I can’t and won’t be without you anymore. The past days were really bad for me and I am very sorry that I realized my feelings so late.”

Jungkook looked Jimin in the eyes. “Jiminie. An honest apology was what I wanted to hear. You know, I knew about the bet. Remember that fight I had with Hobi? Tae told Hoseok about the bet and he told me. By that time, I was so in love with you already that I didn’t even care. At least I thought I wouldn’t mind. I told myself that you cared about me and that you would stop the bet as soon as you realized that. When Taehyung told me about it in front of the others, it just hurt. That meant you still cared about the bet.” Jungkook took a deep breath. “I love you, Jimin. I’ve missed you so much, but I had to let you believe it was over between us. Otherwise, I wouldn’t have been able to find out if you really loved me.”

As Jungkook spoke, tears came to Jimin’s eyes. “You knew? And yet you stayed with me? I’m such an idiot.” Jimin began to sob. “I….”

“Jiminie hey.” Jungkook lifted Jimin’s chin. “Stop crying, please.” He smiled at the Slytherin. “Could you please just kiss me? I’ve missed you so much.”

Jungkooks request was met with Jimin’s greatest pleasure. Both smiled in the kiss and were glad that things had settled to their mutual satisfaction.

They spent the night together in the Room of Requirement. And finally both could sleep in peace again.

How To Tame A Snake  |              Jikook x Harry Potter ᶠᵘˡˡʷʳⁱᵗᵗᵉⁿWhere stories live. Discover now