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A whisper filled the relatively poorly lit class room. The students of the whole year had gathered in the classroom, where Defense Against the Dark Arts was taught, only to catch a glimpse of Harry Potter, the famous Auror.

“Is he here yet?”

“I think I saw him in the hall earlier.”

“Do you think he still has the scar?”

Questions that the students mumbled echoed through the room.

Suddenly, the voices fell silent and all eyes were directed to the gaunt, black-haired man, who was watching the students with his green eyes. The man smiled shyly and ran his hand through his hair, which stood out from his head in wild black strands. He did not look as if he was the most famous wizard the world had ever seen, more like a shy librarian.

Dennis Creevey, their actual teacher in defense against the dark arts, stood nervously beside the man. “Um, yeah, kids that’s… I think I’d better let you introduce yourself.” Mr. Creevey was the younger brother of Collin Creevey, who had been a member of Dumbledore’s Army and died in the Battle of Hogwarts. Because of this, Dennis had dedicated himself to the Defense Against the Dark Arts.

The man smiled thankfully at the teacher and then turned back to the class. “My name is probably familiar to you all.” His voice was unusually quiet and did not really match his appearance. “My name is Harry Potter. I am Auror and a teacher in the Ministry of Magic. Today I wish to teach you the Patronus charm and answer any questions you may have about me.”

A murmur went through the students’ rhymes. “Do you still have the scar?” One of the students blurted out. Harry turned in the direction the question came from.

“My scar?” He asked amusedly. He brushed the hair out of his forehead and there was a bright scar, in the shape of a lightning, which also spread over the eye.

“So now, everybody line up.” Harry Potter took out his wand and waited until everyone had found their place. “Good.” Potter smiled at the students. “The words you must remember are expecto patronum. Repeat that for me once, please.” The students repeated the words.

“Now try to imagine the happiest moment in your lives. It should be a moment when your body is warmed by a wave of happiness. I will divide you into groups and you will practice the Patronus charm together in this group. Have you understood that so far?” After the students had confirmed this, they were divided into groups of four, which did not suit two students in particular.

“You can be glad that I can’t complain to Potter.” Hissed Jungkook and crossed his arms in front of his chest.

“Believe me, I’m not happy to have you in my group either Jeon.” Jimin rolled his eyes. Taehyung and Yugyeom, which were standing next to their best friends, looked at each other helplessly.

“Can we please just practice the spell?” Taehyung asked after the four of them remained silent for a while.

“Yes, we should practice.” Jungkook concluded by trying to think of a happy moment. The day his letter had arrived came straight to his mind. He took a short deep breath and then embraced his magic wand.

“Expecto Patronum.” From the tip of the magic wand a bright light flowed, shapeless but still there it was.

“Oh wow Jeon, I guess the moment wasn’t happy enough.” Taehyung commented. “I’ll give it a try.” The Hufflepuff concentrated and then spoke the words.

“Expecto Patronum.” A bright ray of light shot out of Taehyung’s wand and a short time later turned into a small dog that ran around above their heads.

“Oh the first of you made it.” Rejoiced Harry Potter.
“You have to choose a happy moment, something where your heart starts racing and a comforting shiver runs down your spine.”

“What were you thinking about, Taehyung? ” Yugyeom asked curiously.

“About my first ride on the Hogwarts Express.” Said the Hufflepuff with a smile on his lips. “I like trains and was totally excited to finally see the train from the inside.” Taehyung’s smile became even broader as the memory crossed his mind again.

“Okay, now it’s my turn.” Jimin cleared his throat and tried desperately to think of a moment that had made him truly happy. The victory over Ravenclaw came to his mind.

“Expecto Patronum.” A bright light flashed up briefly, but it went out again immediately. “Damn.” Hissed the Slytherin.

“I guess your memory wasn’t happy enough either.” Commented Yugyeom, Jimin’s pathetic attempt. “Shut the hell up, Kim.”

“Stop fighting, please.” Taehyung rolled his eyes.
“Please just let us practice the charm okay?” The other three nodded and immediately began to concentrate.

Little by little, the Patroni of the students filled the room. Hoseok’s Patronus was a kneazle, a cat-like magical creature. Namjoon produced a small excited poodle and Yoongi a tabby cat. Yugyeom’s Patronus took the form of a golden retriever, which happily hunted Taehyung’s Patronus.

“Oh wow Jin your Patronus is cute.” They heard someone call out, they turned around. A mink flew quickly over their heads and then disappeared back into the tip of Seokjin’s wand.

Jungkook thought again about the happiest moment of his life, he closed his eyes and took another deep breath. “Expecto Patronum.” He exclaimed and this time a real Patronus was formed. “A snake?” he asked in surprise.

“A king cobra, to be exact.” Corrected Yugyeom.

“Crazy, I didn’t expect this from you. Jimin would have been more appropriate.” Taehyung mumbled.

“A king cobra, that’s a bad joke. Right?” Jimin laughed contemptuously. He needed a happy moment in his life. A real happy moment. He thought and remembered his family, how they all sat and laughed together. He clasped his magic wand and closed his eyes.

“Expecto Patronum.” At the last moment, his thoughts drifted to Jungkook and before he knew it, a bright light broke out of the tip of his wand and formed a small rabbit that began happily hopping through the air.

“Oh, Jimin, your Patronus is sweet.” Taehyung exclaimed. “What were you thinking of?” Jimin looked irritated at the rabbit and then at Jungkook, who laughed quite gloatingly.

“None of your business.” Hissed Jimin.

The rest of the lesson was spent practicing the Patronus Charm. Some of them went to Harry Potter and talked to him briefly, took pictures or told the Auror how much he had inspired them. The lesson was over sooner than expected and the students left the room to have lunch in the great hall.

How To Tame A Snake  |              Jikook x Harry Potter ᶠᵘˡˡʷʳⁱᵗᵗᵉⁿWhere stories live. Discover now