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“And do you think he’ll come?” Jackson sat on one of the sofas and ate some of Bertie Bott’s every flavoured beans. “Ravenclaws are hungry for knowledge, as if Jeon doesn’t want to find out who’s wanting to meet him.”

Confidently, Jimin dropped onto the green velvet chair by the fire. “I guess you’re right. Room of Requirements huh? A good idea.”

Yoongi also joined the conversation. “I couldn’t have thought of a better place.”

Jimin smirked smugly and picked up one of Bertie Bott’s Every Flavoured Beans. “Oh no, I got earwax,” the blond moaned and spat the bean right back out.

“Remember Quidditch practice later?” Jackson turned back to the other two.
“Jacky. As if I ever miss or forget a practice, what do you think of me?” Jimin laughed.

“Just to remind you. Daehyun would be so damn angry if we forgot.”
Yoongi smiled slightly. “Daehyun only has a year left anyway, he should relax a bit.”
Jackson shrugged his shoulders. “You know how much the team means to him.”

“Seriously, people, please focus.” Jung Daehyun said exasperatedly, emphasizing his words with his hands.

“We are focusing Dae, after all we only have one hour of practice today,” Jeannie Kim, the only woman on the team, rolled her eyes.

Yoongi watched everything from a distance. He himself wasn’t on the team, but he followed every training session and was present at every game. Almost like a mascot.

“Hey what are you doing on the field?” There was a voice behind the Slytherins. The snakes turned and saw the Ravenclaw team standing in front of them. Bang Chan the captain of the Ravenclaws crossed his arms in front of his chest. The snakes did the same.

Jimin immediately focused his gaze on Jungkook, who was standing right next to Bang. With an icy expression in his eyes, the younger returned Jimin’s gaze.

“We’ve rented the field for the next hour,” explained Daehyun to the Ravenclaws.

“So have we,” replied Bang Chan.
“So we’ve got a problem,” Daehyun sighed.
“Looks like it,” Chan growled, stepping closer to Daehyun with his eyes narrowed as if to fight.

Jackson stepped between the two, interfering from anything happening. “Hey guys, why don’t we all just calm down?” . He turned to look at the Ravenclaws. “Why can’t you just train after us?”

Jungkook raised an eyebrow scornfully. “Are you serious?” He asked. “Like you need the practice with your fancy firebolts.”

Now Jimin laughed out loud. “Oh, is somebody mad they’re not elite? Poor little Ravenclaw.”

Jungkook angrily looked at Jimin. “What exactly is that supposed to mean? The firebolts are simply better than our nimbus, you know that. We need the training you…” Chan put one hand on Jungkook’s shoulder.

“Please calm down. Okay you have one hour then you’re off the field. Come Ravenclaws.” To the resounding cheers of the Slytherins, the Ravenclaws left the quidditch field.

How To Tame A Snake  |              Jikook x Harry Potter ᶠᵘˡˡʷʳⁱᵗᵗᵉⁿΌπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα