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It was pretty loud in the Slytherin common room. No wonder, the snakes had defeated the Ravenclaws at the quidditch match today and that of course had to be celebrated. The loudest of them all was Park Jimin, seeker of Slytherin and the secret star of the whole school. He had blonde hair, not dyed as he kept pointing out, dark brown eyes which formed into crescents when he laughed and an aura around him which radiated a certain arrogance.

Everybody wanted to be Jimin’s friend, but he didn’t let many get close to him. No one really understood why Jimin’s friendship was so exclusive.  Everyone was surprised that of all people it was Kim Taehyung, the shy Hufflepuff, that became his best friend after so many years. He was smart, sometimes loud around people he knew, but apparently he radiated the exact calmness that Jimin needed in his life. It wasn’t easy being the heir of one of the greatest magical families of the time. But Jimin had the support of his whole house, even that of the teachers, who feared being scolded by his father.

He was the typical rich kid. Jimin put a lot of effort in his appearance, let everyone know that he was rich and loved his life.
“Jimin, that was just great how you beat Jeon today. I bet his Nimbus is still smoking.” Yoongi, one of Jimin’s inner circle, lightly slapped his buddy on the back.

Yoongi was the head of the House Slytherin. He didn’t take his position very seriously and just let his friends get away with everything. He was not very tall, had black hair and dark eyes. He was proud of his house and was respected among his classmates. Yoongi also came from one of the elite families of the wizard world and had grown up with the rules and customs of Slytherin.

Although much had changed after the Wizard War, some mindsets simply could not be changed and there were still many followers of Voldemort in Slytherin. Even if you weren’t a follower of Voldemort, names still carried a certain respect with them. Many of the students in Slytherin came from Pureblood lines that bore the weight of generations of greatness.

“Where did you hide the butterbeer?” Asked a loud voice behind Yoongi and Jimin. “Jackson hey keep it down or do you want Mr. Fungus to hear you?” Hissed Yoongi. “Sometimes I wish old Slughorn would come back, he never noticed anything.” Mumbled Jackson annoyed.

“He’s 20 feet under the ground,” Yoongi said jokingly, which made the other two laugh out loud.

The famous Professor Slughorn successor to the even more famous Professor Snape. Every student knew the story that had taken place within the old walls of the castle. Even today everyone still talked about the boy who lived. Harry Potter.

“I bet you can’t finish that butterbeer in one go.” Jackson smiled at Yoongi.
“I bet he can.” Said Jimin, whose drunkenness was clearly audible.

“Of course I can.” With a flourish only he was capable of, Yoongi set the pitcher with a grin and emptied it in one gulp. “That’ll be 10 chocolate frogs, Mr. Wang.” Laughing, Yoongi held out his open hand to Jackson.

“Damn it.” He grumbled and took the frogs out of his bag, handing them over reluctantly
“Jimin, you haven’t made a bet today.” Yoongi’s voice almost sounded disappointed.
“Well then think of one for me.” Jimin said and took a sip of his butterbeer.
“Bet you can’t get Jeon to date you?” The entire contents of Jimin’s butterbeer mug ended up in Yoongi’s face.
He sputtered, wiping his face with the sleeve of his robe. “Dammit Jimin, what the hell?” He shouted.
“Jeon? You really want me to get Jeon to be my boyfriend?”
“That was the plan,” mumbled Yoongi who was still trying to clean himself off. It didn’t look like he was having much luck. The beer had already started soaking into his clothes..

“I’ll take that bet, nobody can resist me.” Jimin’s look became arrogant. “And what’s my reward?”
“I’ll do your homework for a year and put I’ll help you with herbology.” Jackson laughed. “I bet you lose that one Jiminie.” “I never lost a bet.” He was determined to make sure it stayed that way. Jeon was in for a hell of a surprise.

How To Tame A Snake  |              Jikook x Harry Potter ᶠᵘˡˡʷʳⁱᵗᵗᵉⁿWhere stories live. Discover now