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“Hogsmeade!” Jimin blinked confusedly and yawned.

“Jungkook? What the hell are you doing in my room?” He muttered oversleep.

Jungkook sat down on Jimin’s side of the bed and pulled the blanket off the Slytherin. “Come on, get up. It’s snowing and we’re going to Hogsmeade.”

“Kookie you’re my boyfriend but that won’t stop me from killing you right here and now.” Growled Jimin.

“You won’t do that, angel.” Jungkook kissed Jimin on the forehead and smiled. “I’ll be waiting for you in the Room of Requirements.” With these words, he left Jimin alone. He stretched and yawned before rubbing his eyes and slowly sat up.

“I hate you Jeon.” He grumbled as he sat on the edge of his bed, stretched once more, and then went to his bathroom as if half asleep.

After he got ready and got dressed, he made his way to the Room of Requirement. Once there he saw Jungkook quickly hiding something behind his back.

“Kook what are you hiding?” he asked curiously.

Jungkook turned red. “Nothing, really nothing….it is totally embarrassing.” The Ravenclaw stammered.

“Let me see it please. ” Jimin begged his boyfriend.

“Okay, but no laughing. Promise?”

“I promise, and now show me please. I’m bursting with curiosity.”

Slowly Jungkook pulled out two scarves behind his back. One was green with a blue pattern, the other blue with green pattern. “The green one is for you, if you want it. I knitted the two myself.” Jungkook said softly.

Jimin looked at Jungkook with big eyes. “You made these yourself?” He took the green scarf out of Jungkook’s hand and drove with his finger in surprise over the blue pattern on it. “It’s totally beautiful. I didn’t know you could knit.” Jimin put the scarf on and pulled Jungkook to him.
“You’re just perfect Jeon.” He mumbled before giving his boyfriend a loving kiss on the lips.

Jungkook smiled happily into the kiss. He was glad that Jimin liked his gift. And a short time later the two were already on their way to Hogsmeade.

The snow felt under their feet as if they were walking on crunching clouds. The air was cool and very refreshing and a light breeze blew around their heads as they walked down the path to the village.

While Jimin was most looking forward to the butterbeer in the three broomsticks, Jungkook was most looking forward to the sweets at Honeydukes. Other stores like Zonkos were also on their list.

First they went to Honeydukes where Jungkook stocked up on various sweets, including chocolate frogs and Berty Botts all flavored beans. Then they headed to Zonkos, a joke article shop, which many of the students at Hogwarts loved.

“Oh look, love potions.” Jungkook pointed to a shelf with small bottles filled with a light pink liquid.

“Amortentia.” Jimin took one of the vials from the shelf and opened it. Amortentia had a habit of smelling of what you loved the most.

“What do you smell?” He asked Jungkook curiously. Jungkook took the little bottle in his hand and smelled it. Immediately the smell of freshly printed books rose into his nose. “Freshly mowed grass and…” Jungkook faltered briefly. “Peaches….strange.” He murmured, he had smelled Amortentia before, but the last time he had smelled it, peaches were not a part of it.

“oh wait, let me try.” Jimin took the bottle from Jungkook’s hand and smelled it, too. “Summer rain, wood wax and…” Jimin paused to think. “Fresh laundry?” Jimin was a little confused, freshly washed laundry, was the smell he associated with Jungkook, but that couldn’t be, could it? Was he really in love with Ravenclaw or had he already gotten too involved in this bet?

“It’s garbage anyway, why do we need Amortentia, we’ve already found each other.” Jimin tried to cover up the situation and closed the bottle again.
“Let’s go to the three broomsticks. I’d really like a Butterbeer.” He put the bottle back on the shelf and took Jungkook by the hand.

Arriving in the three brooms, both ordered a Butterbeer and sat down together in one of the back corners of the pub.

“It was a nice idea of yours to go to Hogsmeade.” Said Jimin as they sat there in silence for a while.

“I just like spending time with you, Jiminie, besides, you’re my boyfriend, aren’t you?” Jungkook took a sip from his beer glass.

“You have a beer mustache.” Jimin laughed and reached out to help Jungkook brush the beer froth off his upper lip. Of course, he enjoyed the time with Jungkook, but the thought that all this was just because of a bet was still haunting him.

After they paid and left the pub, they realized how late it had already become and decided to walk back to the castle. Halfway to the castle it started snowing again. The two young men stopped to admire the beauty of the white snowflakes, which stood out against the dark night sky.

Suddenly a snowball hit Jimin right in the neck, he turned angrily and saw Jungkook standing there, grinning, armed with another snowball.

“Just you wait, Jeon. You’ll get it back.” He bent down and tried to form a snowball as fast as he could. Meanwhile another snowball from Jungkook hit him on the butt. Jimin squealed up and turned around like lightning. His snowball hit Jungkook right in the face and a short time later the two of them had a fierce snowball fight.

They ran after each other in the deep snow and the snowballs flew through the air like mad. Until Jimin suddenly stumbled and fell head first into the snow.

Jungkook couldn’t help but laugh out loud until Jimin pulled him into the snow as well. Now they were both lying in the snow laughing next to each other.

“I love you Jimin.” Jungkook suddenly burst out.

“I know.” Jimin muttered and took Jungkook’s hand. Together, they stayed lying in the snow next to each other for a while, looking at the starry sky.

Jimin’s heart contracted painfully, Jungkook had confessed his love to him, and now he really didn’t know what to do.

How To Tame A Snake  |              Jikook x Harry Potter ᶠᵘˡˡʷʳⁱᵗᵗᵉⁿWhere stories live. Discover now