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“What is it with you and Park Jimin now?” The friends sat together in the Ravenclaw common room.

“What should be going on between us?” Jungkook asked and shrugged his shoulders.

“You’ve been seeing each other a lot lately.” Noticed Hoseok dryly.

“So what? Why should it concern you?” Jungkook hissed, visibly annoyed by his friends’ questions.

“We have our concerns. People don’t just suddenly become nice.” Namjoon said soothingly.

“Who says so? Why can’t I give a friendship between him and me a chance?” Jungkook stood up and gave his friends a nasty look. “You know what? You just don’t want me to be his friend. He’s nice to me, so deal with it.” With these words, the Ravenclaw stormed out of the common room.

On the way he could still hear what Yugyeom said to the others. “Leave him alone. Why can’t you just trust him?”

“I do trust him, but I don’t trust that snake.” Those were Hoseok’s words that Jungkook picked up before closing the door behind him.

Angrily he ran through the corridors of the old castle, not knowing where his feet would take him. How could his friends be so mean to him? He could not stand the ignorance of his friends at all.

Almost two weeks had passed since he told Jimin at the lake that he could imagine more between them. In one week was Halloween, and fall had already painted the leaves on the Hogwarts grounds in beautiful reds, oranges, and yellows.

Jungkook felt the anger in his chest turn into disappointment. He would have expected a little more understanding from his friends. It was precisely this reaction that caused Jungkook not to tell them that he had more than just the friendship type of feelings for Jimin.

Furthermore, he walked aimlessly through the school building. Suddenly he came to a stop in front of a wall . He had never been in this part of the school before. The Ravenclaw looked around and noticed that he was in the basement of the school.

Through the windows he could see the bottom of the black lake. A few fish swam past as he looked at the view in front of him with amazement.

“There should be the Slytherin quarters down here somewhere.” Jungkook murmured to himself as he walked through the basement hallway in fascination.
He wondered why he had never been here before, it was beautiful and reassuring.

“Hey Jeon what are you doing down here?” A voice behind him made the Ravenclaw flinch. Jerkily he turned around and looked into the eyes of a tall, rather broadly built boy. He had never seen the guy before.

“I um… I… was just out for a walk.” Stammered Jungkook insecure.

“Oh, is that so?” The Slytherin took a step towards Ravenclaw and looked at him with a wicked grin.
“Mudbloods have no business down here, Jeon.”

“Goyle shut up and leave Jeon alone.” Called Jimin who had appeared from behind the Slytherin named Goyle. “Honestly, fuck off.”

“Why are you protecting the Mudblood anyway?” Goyle growled and looked at Jimin questioningly.

“ First of all, he’s a second-generation wizard, and secondly, this shit should stop. Wizard is wizard right?” Jimin sounded really angry. Even Jungkook had never seen him so angry.
“Get the fuck out of here.”

With a grin, Goyle left and Jimin turned to Jungkook.
“Are you okay?” He asked, almost worried. “What are you doing down here anyway?”

“I? Um, well…” Stammered Jungkook while trying to gather his thoughts.

“Jungkook is everything okay? Something happened right?” Jimin looked at his friend with concern.

“I got in a pretty big fight with my friends over… Never mind.”

Jimin pulled the Ravenclaw into his arms. “No, it’s not. Come on, let’s go find the Room of Requirements and then you’ll tell me all about it, okay?” The Slytherin took Jungkook by the hand and together they began to walk through the hallways of the school, hoping that the Room of Requirements would reveal itself to them.

“Jimin, can you please stop pulling like this? If we run so fast we might miss and run past it.” Jungkook, who was being dragged through the hallways by Jimin grumbled.

The Slytherin stopped briefly and turned around, causing Jungkook to slam into him.

“Ouch, watch where you’re going.”

“Then don’t stop so suddenly.”

“Well, look over there.” Jimin pointed to a door that suddenly formed on one of the walls. The Slytherin pulled the younger one behind him into the Room of Requirements. As soon as the door closed behind them, he turned around and looked at Jungkook seriously. “So now tell me what happened.”

How To Tame A Snake  |              Jikook x Harry Potter ᶠᵘˡˡʷʳⁱᵗᵗᵉⁿWhere stories live. Discover now