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“What were you doing with Park?” Namjoon Jungkook asked while the group of friends was on their way to the Ravenclaw common room.

“I had some unfinished business.” The younger one murmured.

“Something to settle?” Yugyeom laughed out loud and then immediately put his hand over his mouth after he realized that the others didn’t know anything about the whole thing yet.

“Okay, guys, I don’t want to talk about this out here. I might tell you all about it later. All you need to know is that Park has apologized to me, okay?” Jungkook took a deep breath.

“You and Park are talking? Honestly now?” Jin asked, amazed.

“Better than getting their heads bashed in, right?” Noticed Hoseok, who had now joined the group.

“You’re right. So game night tonight yes or no?” Namjoon asked the group.

“I’m out. I have to study.” Jungkook smiled at his friends “But I still have till 7:00.”

It was a fun evening. The friends played magic chess and tasted Berty Bott’s beans. From time to time the teachers allowed students from the other houses to visit each other in the common rooms. Jin and Hoseok were welcome guests at Ravenclaw Tower and everyone got along with them.

They talked about the new Quidditch season and how great Harry Potter is. Some of the students were still practicing the Patronus spell from the present day lessons.

“Sorry, folks, I gotta get going, study. Have fun and save some of those beans for me.” Jungkook said goodbye to his friends and then went to his room to get some books, you had to be credible if you want to fool your friends and then went to

How To Tame A Snake  |              Jikook x Harry Potter ᶠᵘˡˡʷʳⁱᵗᵗᵉⁿWhere stories live. Discover now