Chapter 54

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A/N- sorry i haven't updated in forever!! school hates me 😭 i made the dreadful mistake of taking AP History, but it's too late to change now so i guess i'll just have to cry in my corner.

do you guys have any questions? regarding the story or myself, because i'm happy to tell you things about myself and about the story (as long as it doesn't spoil anything).

where are you all from??? and where do you think i'm from??? it's a mysteryyyy. anyways, enjoy!

Word Count: 1831

The following day, the day of Bill and Fleur's wedding, Harry and I found ourselves feeling rather unlike our usual selves. Being that we weren't our usual selves. Harry had taken a large dose of Polyjuice Potion containing the hair of a pudgy, redheaded Muggle boy who lived in the local village and was to be introduced at the wedding as "Cousin Barny" to anyone other than members of the Order. I, however, had refused to take Polyjuice Potion because of its gag-worthy taste and the fact that they wanted to turn me into a brown-haired, male Muggle— "You really expect me to- Nope, I won't do it."— In turn, I spent almost an hour before the wedding in front of a mirror with Hermione trying to change my appearance.

"I honestly don't understand why you won't just take the potion, it's only for a couple of hours," she says while changing my hair from jet black to curly and light brown with a faint red tint.

"You've really got a knack for this stuff, 'Mione," I comment, ignoring her previous statement. In the reflection of the mirror, I see her roll her eyes, but smiling slightly nonetheless. She changes the colour of my eyes to a pale blue, lengthens my hair, somehow makes my lips thinner, changes the skin on my neck, face, arms, and hands to be paler and littered with freckles, lengthens my nose (again, no idea how), and makes my face seem slimmer. By the time she was through, I didn't even recognise my own reflection in the mirror.

"You can wear these stockings and this dress, that way the rest of your skin will be covered," she says, holding up a knee-length, lilac-coloured dress and a pair of black stockings. "Go put these on. Quick, or we'll be late."

"Yes, mother."

When I re-emerged from the bathroom moments later, I met Hermione who wore a dress the same colour as mine.

"I thought we'd match since we both look good in lilac," she says. "Though it is a bit weird with you not being... well, you."

"Yeah, well, it's not exactly normal for me either," I reply, running my hand self consciously down my opposite bicep.

"Oh, you look fine," said Hermione with a dismissive wave of her hand. "You don't look that much different, just enough to make you vaguely unrecognisable. Come on, we're late."

On our way out of the bedroom and down the stairs, we met Fleur and a short old woman holding a glittering tiara.

"—and make sure to keep it farther back, mind you," said the old woman before her head swivelled in our direction at the sound of our footsteps. Her eyes narrowed as she scanned both of us with mild distaste making me feel even more self-conscious than I already was.

"Oh dear, is this the Muggle-Born?" she said wrinkling her nose slightly in Hermione's direction. I was too taken aback to say anything for a moment.

"Hey—!" I started in defense of my friend, but the old woman paid no mind.

"Bad posture and skinny ankles," she said as though it was remotely helpful. "And who might you be? You look an awful lot like her, don't tell me they invited a Muggle to this as well."

The Girl Who Lived ☆ D. MALFOYNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ