An old Friend.

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She laughs at the big twist in this family situation and finds it hilarious how the twists make it easier for the fiancee thing to occur with no real gross incest. But then she stops smiling when she thinks about the first son of Seraph.

'Nolan... He was a kind guy. He wasn't one of the choices for capture target, which surprises me. But at the same time it doesn't. He died a few years after the introduction of Rose. In each route he wouldn't live passed the age of 24. If he hadn't died.... maybe Sakura would have another person by her side.'

Sakura remembers a scene of the game, where Nolan defended Sakura when everyone suspected her of pushing Rose down a flight of stairs.

"Everyone! I fell because I tripped, not because anyone pushed me!"
Rose tried to stop everyone from confronting Sakura, who was standing on top of the stairs looking down at them. Her eyes held many emotions while watching them quickly help Rose up and fretting over her.

Everyone looked up at Sakura and glared at her and quickly put the blame on her.

"What do you think your doing!? She could have died if she feel in a different angle!"
The one who screamed at her was Axel, her fiance.

"I did not push her."
Sakura furrowed her brows and just looked down at them, she didn't know how to react. Just moments ago she saw Rose walking and turn to the right to walk down the stairs while holding her books.

The moment Sakura saw Rose, Rose as well saw her and seemed to have gotten distracted, causing her to end up taking a misstep. Sakura quickly noticed and swiftly stretched out to try and grab Rose, only to miss by a few inches and watched how Rose tumble down the stairs. At that time Sakura didn't notice that everyone else were down the stairs and how from their angle, it looked like she ran toward Rose amd pushed her.

So now Sakura is standing awkwardly on the top while watching her fiance hold Rose in his arm while the other hand is holding her hand to keep her steady.

"What do you mean "you didn't push her"!? We all saw it happen, are you going to say we all saw wrong!?"
Axel looks up at Sakura in disbelief, even more so when she nodded.

"Are you treating us as fools? Do you think we will let this go?"
He looked up at Sakura dissaprovaly and wanted to say more but Rose stopped him.

"Axel. It's true, Sakura wouldn't push me. I got distracted and didn't see my step, so I fell."
She held his hand and looked up at him with pleading eyes.

"I think it is best if you do not hold another persons fiance in such an intimate manner. It will do you no good if people see this and spread it around."

Sakura stares at the hands that's holding Rose's waist in such an intimate way. She said those things to warn them of what others might say, but to him it sounds as if she was threatening Rose.

"Do you have no sense of being grateful that Rose is defending you right now!? Just because of a bit of jealousy you are threatening her while she was helping you!?!"

Sakura just frowned and looked at her fiance.
"I was not threatening her, I was just giving her advice that people may misunderstand the situation and believe she is trying to steal her sisters fiance."

Sakura felt a bit irked, especially because everyone else that she grew up with are siding with Rose as well, and are looking up at her in judgemental manner.

But then a voice calls out right next to her.
"I would advise you to cool your head Axel. I find it quite an embarrassment that you are still speaking in such a way to your future wife."

Falling petalsDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora