Lets be Friends

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The room had a dimm light, the only light that can be seen was the one that came through the few cracks in the curtains.   It gave a silent and eerie glow. The ceiling was the first think Sakura notices when she wakes. She didn't move at all, she just stared at it.

She turns to the side and notices Daisy slumped over while sitting on a chair, her hand holding Sakura's own hand. Light flows on her face from one of the lights passing through the curtain.

Sakura can see tear stains with the help of the light. Sakura sighs softly and looks a bit higher, and glances behind Daisy. Right next to the door to enter the room. Ivy is sitting in a chair, her arms folded in her chest and her head lightly tilted down, her eyes were closed, but you can see it wasn't a pleasant rest, her face was marred with a frown.

Sakura wondered if the reason for it was her. Sighing again, she turns her gaze back at the ceiling and begins contemplating what her next course of actions should be.

'I ruined all I worked for this past 5 months, soon I could have reached half a  year of being a naive and spotless child, only to ruined it all because of emotions. Heh, as always, strong emotions always ruins a person.'

She glares at the ceiling as if she was staring at her worst enemy, herself.
'The emotional outburst matches a normal 3 year old brat, but it was overblown because of a sudden hatred and emotional betrayal that passed all over me when I looked at the kid. Those feelings that I shouldn't even be feeling just smacked me in the face and I didn't know what to do with them. I'm not even the original Sakura! So why was I so effected by those memories... no, it didn't have such effects at the beginning...... just that I started to feel more when I recall those scenes in the game in recent moments..... but why?'

She questioned the reason for losing herself and felt something strange, even more strange of being transmigrated here.

'Even if I keep on wondering, I won't get an answer just thinking about it. But let's put my mind together, it's in too much of disarray.'

Taking a deep breath, she starts to think of what's next.

'My plan of being seen as a lovable and calm child was thrown down the drain. So let's create a second plan in haste. First thing; I can't seem to control my emotions, even when I try, so best course of action is not to hold it in, try to release some of it out bit by bit so it doesn't end up exploding in one move. Second; if I can't become the perfect child, then just becomes a normal yet not too fussy one. I'll whine a bit, run around a bit, but never pass to the level of becoming a typical brat, I still have my pride of an adult. Then third but not least. If I don't want another emotional outburst because of the strong dislike and  rejection I felt for the capture target, I should make pleasant talk with them, maybe acquainted with them, even friends, but never, ever allow them to become a love interest.'

Sakura now knew after becoming calmer that she can't cut ties with them, each one have a high standing and will pass through her path because they all will have some type of connection, so the second best is having a type of connection that isn't too strong.

'Now I should start thinking about the emotional outburst, and the only reason I can come up with for it, is because this body was already effected by the other Sakura, could be she died and was given a second chance to live, but couldn't take it and was switched with me, but why me? I don't know. But this deep emotions was left and effected my actions, so I need to remind myself it isn't what I really feel, but the late Sakura's feelings.'

But while thinking that, she can only laugh in self mockery.

'Heh, easier said than done. This is gonna be a long process.'

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