Side story: A Grieving Man

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"Your Majesty!! Please No!! Ahhh! Forgive me your majesty! Please forgive me!!"
The wails of a women filled the throne room. Being dragged by royal guards to a kneeling position before the emperor of their empire.

They showed no expression, fearing that their emperor will believe they feel an ounce of pity for this begging women. Her screams filled the throne room. The only ones who can hear it are the people in this room.

The emperor who is sitting straight in his throne, coldly looking down at the weeping and frightened women. His closest retainers who accompanied him for years since they were children. And the two guards who are holding her in place.

"Your majesty!! You can't treat me this way!!! I gave birth to your daughter. Your most treasured posession!!!"

The women screamed out, the tears falling down her dark brown eyes. Her brown hair that was so well combed and held up by a pin was now disheveled and loose, sticking to her face from the damp tears in her face.

The man looked on, not an ounce of pity can be seen in his eyes. Not even anger, just a cold, dull red of his eyes can be seen looking at this women.

His friends of many years watched on, not even an ounce of pity can be seen in them, only a tired and empty sight can be seen.

The ones most likely to feel an ounce of pity for her, the royals magician head and the high royal healer kept silent from the situation.

The head magician felt nothing from this sight, he doesn't believe this women deserves forgiveness for her crimes, even if she gave birth to one of... no, the only daughter his friend has now. While the head royal healer wasn't there to say anything, he was still recuperating from the use of excessive magic.

His body trembling and weeping in his room. Blaming himself for not being able to save his friends most precious people. He felt it was partly his fault as a high healer for not being able to save them. They were like a part of his own family.

One of the generals didn't hide his disgust for the women, his gaze sharp and ruthless when he looks down at the women, contrary to his usual carefree and lazy smile, only a deep and cold sneer can be seen in his lips. While the other general in the room held his usual expressionless face, yet a different can be felt, it had more of an emotionless feel to it. His hatred can be felt when he stares down at this women, she caused the one he loves to end up bedridden with the guilt of not being able to save the people they held dear.

He oozed out a coldness that wouldn't even lose against to the head butler, who is still laying in the infirmary in a coma from the overwhelming amount of pain and helplessness he felt when she died in his arms.

While seeing the women pushed in a kneeling position below his throne, his hands were trembling for holding it in a tight fist posture, not because he felt bad for the women, but the burning anger that is swelling deep in side of him the longer he looks at this women.

'Everything.... I almost lost everything to this disgusting womens schemes... no, I had lost everything...'
Rhe fleeting smile and whisper of his beloved wife filled him mind. The last memory of her being awake and looking up at him weakly while holding his hand.

"Sorry my dear. I won't be there to help you. But remember I won't give up, I'll still fight on until I wake up again. But before then, protect our child. Protect her with all that you can, my love. Go...od...... nig-".

Remembering his wife's last wish before she feel in a deep sleep, only to die 2 years ago from it. He can only shut his eyes tight, asking for her forgiveness.

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