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"Your highness!!"
Through her teary eyes she can see a head full of blue hair, from the dark night it looks almost gray. The man comes running with joy and tears in his eyes.
The moment Sakura saw him tears of elation to see her most trusted person was there.
"Ah.... Papa Raphael!!!"
Without thinking Sakura cried out to Raphael while stretching out her arms to him, she didn't know that that small movement of her hurt the man who held her.
It didn't hurt physically but it did emotionally. However he knew that Raphael for some reason meant the world to Sakura, so he won't fight her about it. To him, as long as she is happy then he does not mind sharing the position of father with his most trusted friend.
Raphael can see the sad smile of his good friend and felt horrible he ended up ruining those touching moment of reunion between father and daughter, but he couldn't resist calling out when he saw Sakura in Mihkael's arms.
Mihkael with just a look understood what Raphael was thinking and just smiled in reassurance, he fully turns to Raphael and hands Sakura to him because she wanted so much to jump into Raphael's arms
The moment Sakura saw Raphael spread his arms to hold her she didn't care if she fell, she jumped right into them, almost scaring Mihkael and Raphael to death.
"Your highness!."
"Waaaahhhh!!! I-I wasth waiting for you guys to f-finth muee~!"
Her words were almost incoherent from all her crying. She wrapped her arms around his neck and held for dear life. She felt safe in his arms and cried with no care of her image.
In this moment she didn't need to act her age, she was afraid throughout the ordeal, even if she tried to act tough. She still was only a 7 year old child right now even if all those memories of passed Sakura's and her own reveals her being older.
"We are so sorry for arriving late."
Raphael held her head and hugged her back when he felt her hiccupping and the tear stains in his shirt. To him having her in his arms was the only thing that mattered.
Gabriel arrived just a few minutes after Raphael and ran straight to Adaline who was being helped by a knight.
Seeing her father running toward her with fear and joy of his own she went running toward him halfway and jumped into his arms when he kneeled to the floor to pick her up.
Adaline thought her tears were died up but quickly ended up crying all over him. Gabriel teared up in relief to feel his youngest child in his arms. To know she was ok and nothing else happened to her.
"I'm so glad...!"
He choked up while trembling at the thought of almost never seeing his child again. He embraced her tightly with no thought of letting go of her anytime soon.
I-I wath s-su scarwd!!! I-I wasth al-almoth taketh away b-buth S-Saku s-savth me!!!"
Adaline wanted to tell her father everything that happened but her words were covered by her crying just like Sakura.
However Gabriel understood a bit of what she said and was actually so glad Sakura went out with her too. If not, he doesn't think his naive daughter would be with him right now.
He sees two children beside the knights who were taking care of Adaline and saw the boys nervously watch everyone.
Adaline noticed her father's line of sight when she felt him move to carry her when he stood up. She turns and saw Azazel look at her with a wary smile and as well as a bit of envy. Amar just hid behind Azazel, afraid of so many unknown people.
"T-they w-wur savth by S-Saku too."
Through her hiccups she told Gabriel who they were.
"I see."
"Yes my dear child."
"I-I wanna go home!"
"Yes my dear child, we will go back home."
He tries to sooth her tears and lightly pats her back to assure her of returning back home.
A man who was had his hands tied behind his back cried out to one of the children the knights were watching over. The boy dodged away from the knight and went running to his father.

Zay wanted to reach out to his son but was still tied and pushed back to sit on the floor.
"L-let him go! He helped us!!"
Sakura through her crying quickly commanded the knight to untie Zay. The knight only did so when Mihkael nodded in approval.
Feeling his tied hands become loose he gives a thankful nod toward Sakura and quickly caught his son in his arms. Their own reunion was touch warming and Azazel cried in his fathers arms. Zay surprisingly was even more of a mess and cried with great sobs while holding his son in his arms.
"W-what took you so long!"
"I-I'm sorry f-for arriving so late! But know I'll never l-let you go again!"
Sakura was glad she choose to save Azazel. Seeing this son and father reunion made her view of him change and even assure her that this Azazel is not the other one, he is a good boy who suffered and missed his family too.
"Your highness! Adaline!"
Everyone turns and sees Uriel with Azrael and Ariel running toward them. Uriel was crying and the sight was quite beautiful.
'Damn I wished my crying face is as beautiful as his is.'
Sakura was more relaxed and comfortable after crying so much and felt her mine clear up a bit.
'.... I really let myself loose there didn't I.'
She wanted to hide her face in shame from remember how she acted like such a child moments ago.
"Your highness! I'm so glad we found you!"
Before she can hide her face in embarrassment, Uriel came crying and hugged her when Raphael handed her to his outstretched hands.
By accident when Uriel held her, her injured leg rubbed on his healer robe, causing pain to run up her leg.
"Your highness!"
Uriel quickly balanced her in his arm and looked at her holding her leg in pain. Raphael and Mihkael as well as the others looked in concern and saw through her ripped skirt a scathing red. The wound was even more worse shape than it was at the beginning after Ray healed her wound a bit.
After her running around and the falls and exertion she made, her wound worsen with dirt and twigs poking it and scratching over it, causing it to even bleed. And Sakura hasn't even noticed when she smashed the teleportation crystal with the rock she cut her palm, the wound wasn't bandaged so it still had a bit of blood oozing out of it too.
Her body hasn't still been checked yet but most likely there are bruises and other injuries in there too.
'Shit, I really didn't get off scotch free.'
After her nerves easing up it seemed that she now felt the pain her body was yelling at her to notice. She played her head in Uriel's shoulder and felt beads of sweat from trying to hold her cry of pain.
"This wounds!? How can they do this to a child!"
Uriel cried while holding her gently. He wanted to heal her wounds this instant but he was afraid what type of diseases or whatever may have entered her body through the wounds. They first have to clean them and heal it.
"Those bastards....!"
Ariel was furious when he saw the stait Sakura was it. But then Uriel turned to Adaline quickly as well.
"How is Ada?! Is she injured as well."
Both Sakura and Adaline were quite dirty from being tossed around and hiding on the forest.
And even if the healer was sent to heal her, he was only a low tier healer, so it took time for him to heal wounds, he was lazy when Sir left him and Adaline alone so he only healed the small scratches she received when she fell on twigs and small things like that. He was going to wait to heal the slap mark she got in her cheek when it was close to midnight.
So when Gabriel looked her over he saw her cheek swollen to indicate she was struck and it wasn't light. She had a few scratches here and there and her wrist was bruised when the healer dragged her toward the cave.
"Those vile things!!"
He grew furious and wanted to burn this whole place down but knew he couldn't, there may be other people in the buildings and there could be classified information they can get to help them find even more of the hideouts or see what their plans were.
"We have to return now so we can clean their wounds and heal them."
Mihkael expression displayed his fury even when it grew expressionless at the sight of what their children went through.
Ariel and Azazel nodded in understanding. Ariel decided to stay and command the knights. Mihkael took out a teleportation crystal and was going to use it to amplify his spatial magic so he can take the rest home.
Sakura quickly noticed that Azazel and Zay was being taken toward where the normal villagers were gathered.
'I can't lose sight of him! I don't know if he would truly escape his fate after leaving my sight so I need to keep him close!.'
"Papa wait!"
Before Mihkael can use the stone he was stopped by Sakura. She pointed at Zay and Azazel.
"We have to take them too! They helped me and I really like that big brother too. Please! They helped me and Adaline escape!"
"Yeah! Please papa. Let the big brothers and mister go with us!"
Both girls pleaded which non of the men there could say no to.
Mihkael signaled the knights to bring the boy and his father over, and as well as the other boy that accompanied them because Adaline asked.
"Then let us head home."
With Mihkael's words, he used the teleportation Crystal and created a connection to a portal that was marked by Mihkael for return.
Sakura took one last look at the surrounding and thought:
'Mission accomplished.'
She closes her eyes and sighs in relief.
Well just felt like updating it today. There isn't much development I think. Hope you guys like it.

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