Protect Him.

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"I had seen a dream of a man who will be the leader of the corruptions rising. A war that will resemble that of 500 hundred years ago, where all the races will join hand in hand again. How this incident was a catalyst to it."


Everyone was already in shock of whatever Sakura would reveal, however this one wasn't one they expected or even hoped to hear about.

"A war!"

"A war that resembles that of 500 years ago!"

"Shit! Even I hadn't expected this."

Seraph sighs in frustration and wonders how the talk of Sakura's secret headed into the reveal of a war as catastrophic as that of 500 hundred years appearing somewhere in the future.

'Wait... What did she say before that...!!'

"You just said you had a dream of the leader. Meaning you had seen from his eyes and may even know who he is!!"

Everyone quickly realized that as well when Seraph brought back to what she said.

"If we knew who he was in advance, we can stop it from occurring!!"

"Cut off the source before it even spreads around!"

"But what if he already began his plans? He must be under protection and hidden away somewhere else and may not even be in the location Sakura has seen him in her vision."

Uriel brings up the issues to their plan and was the voice to bring them back to reality.

He understood having a view into the future can give them a great advantage in preventing horrible things from happening or even changing it for the best, however he as well understood the main objectives of prophecies; it only reveals key moments in the future: an example being a horrifying or critical situation like that of Adaline's death or the new war in a few years to come.

'Sakura had explained that before those situations would occur, she would have recurring dreams of them, even if their are a bit of different experiences in each dream, each one headed to the same track; the outcome fate had decided for those people.
Now she hasn't spoken about a dream that holds no significance like a everyday vision of a person just doing a routine, so the gods only gives her visions of important moments so they would not have to waste any in insignificant ones.'

Uriel remembers that when a Saintess of the goddess of life recieved a prophecy or oracle, she fainted for a week and had to take time to recollect the prophecy or Oracle. The reason for it is because other gods or goddesses will intervene when a priestess or saintess recieved a vision by a god/dess that favors them. And the reason for that is because the gods of this world do not like when gods show too much favor and reveal too much of what's to come in the future, especially if it's for selfish reasons.

The gods used to be more lenient many many years ago, there was tales of people who were beloved by gods or goddesses always receiving visions of danger and dodging it in the last minute, some of great detail like how Sakura would receive and even from visions of their own point of view which helps better ones understanding of the vision and even give them a chance to see their thoughts in that situation.

However the goddess of life had given too many favors to too many being and has caused an imbalance many years ago, causing chaos which disrupted their world. So a set of rules had been placed by the gods and a lock has been placed in who are allowed visions and how much is allowed to be revealed in those visions.

They as well made the rule that no one is allowed to see their point of view in the future, that the power shall not be used for special privileges to protect oneself, but for those around them.

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