In position.

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Kano exited the carriage first, he turns and extends his hand out, and a small pale and delicate hand places it on top of his. The girl held an aristocratic and noble appearance, even in the plain style of dressing.

Her back was straight, not even one did she slouched when exiting that carriage. Her other free hand held the dress so she doesn't step on it by accident, her eyes sparkled and her upturned lips held a noble and haughty image.

The servants who exited the mansion to welcome her kept their heads low, not a noise was made until the head butler spoke.

"Welcome your highness. The future ruler of our dear empire. The most beautiful flower of our empire."
The man bowed and all the servants, as if trained to follow along: and maybe they have; all smoothly rose their voices.

"Welcome your highness!"

"No need to be so reserved Maximus. I came as a family friend, so no need to show such formalities."

Sakura smiles calmly to the display. Not a hint of anything that can be used against her with her words nor her posture. She was the image of noble young lady, except for the dress.

"Understood. Then her highness, the young miss is just finishing a few things for the ride. I'll lead you to the small garden to wait. Madam should be there having a bit of tea."

"A marvelous idea, then do lead the way."

Sakura already stepped inside and Kano follows behind with a stoic expression, yet it is shown he is alert when a small sound can be heard a mile away, his eyes become sharp and quickly looks to that area. When he doesn't notice anything else after a moment, he quickly goes back to his stoic expression.

'A truly good knight. All his stats are high. High strength, endurance, defense, alertness and his five senses. He always was the one who got to her first when she was in danger. Leading to a petty jealousy tantrum from the capture targets and all in all cannon fodder for getting the relationship between Rose and the capture targets to strengthen and feel closer together.

"How pitiful..."
Sakura ended up mumbling her thoughts of Kano and he just glanced to her but kept following behind.

'He had a dangerous and intimidating look, but none the less gave him a sexy and devilish vibe. However he wasn't to become one of her targets. It seems that whom ever was the capture target tragically had to be Sakura's fiancee. It is quite a fucked up situation that always leads to Sakura losing her fiance.'

Grimacing, Sakura slowed her steps and turn her head to look up at Kano. Surprised by her actions, Kano raises an eyebrow in question.

'A devilish sexy man all right.... even when she had such a tool secretly but not really, loving and fawning over her why did she always have to go for my fiance!? Its fucking annoying I tell ya! Even more so when I see it from Sakura's perspective. There were so many men who loved her, even out of the capture target circle, yet that annoying white flower always goes for Sakura's future husband, like, what the hell!?'

Sakura turn back to the front and quicken her steps while Kano follows quite casually but confused of what just happened.

'Heh.... now that I have one of her strongest and foolish tools, I wonder how she'll go on doing stupid stuff without his protection. I even bet those idiots when they get older and fall for her will have even more of a harder time protecting her. Hmm, talking about idiots, there are two here. Hope they won't show up where I'll be waiting.'

"Madam, her highness has arrived."
In a guarden filled with different flowers, all blooming in different colors and different shapes made it seem like it was wild, yet for some reason, it appeared didn't appear out of sorts. A women sat in a small table with a few snacks here and there and a tea cup setting that didn't look out of place.

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