The Second Royal Child

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"Sakura. It's time to wake up." Hearing the low toned voice call her in a whisper, she rolls away from him,  her back was made to face him. Looking at his child going as far as to roll away so as not to wake up, he can only raise an eyebrow. He sits up and stands from the side of the bed.

But rather than walking away, he walks the side of the bed and reaches the area she rolled to. Bending down, he reached out and gently lifts her up in a princess carry and throughout the whole process, she kept on sleeping without a care in the world.

Watching how much his daughter sleeps, he can only chuckle at her sloth like attitude and carried her to the bathroom. Normally the emperor has maids around to help him with daily necessities, but even as a child he disliked such things, so he never had them after he became emperor, especially since some maids tend to take advantage of such opportunities and try to sleep with him.

While thinking of that, he is reminded of that women who was in the bath. He narrowed his eyes with a sneer in his lips.

'That women was the only one to succeed,  I'll have Seraph check on her and make sure she didn't gain anything more than sleeping with me.'

While cleaning Sakura's face, he really started to wonder how she can still sleep through water splashing her face. It's as if her body automatically reacts for her so she doesn't wake up.

"I really just splashed your face with water and wiped it with a towel, yet the only reaction I get is you holding your breath for a moment and scrunching your eyes when I began to wipe it, yet you still don't wake up. Was that even you consciously reacting to it or subconsciously?"

While talking outloud, the only response he gets are mumbles and a small snore.
"Mihkael, you awake?" Raphael can be heard through the door and waiting for Mihkael's response.

"Yeah. Come in." He places Sakura back on the bed and begins cleaning up himself as well.

"See if you can wake her up. She wouldn't budge an inch, I even cleaned her face while she was sleeping away."

Mihkael begins to brush his teeth and walked out with his nightshirt half buttoned up, showing his toned chest, his pants hung to his hips with no indication to actually fix it.

"Mihkael, I truly wonder how you have the time to train, I really hate seeing you in better shape than I." Raphael looked at his friend with an annoyed face and walked over to Sakura.

"Princess? It's time to wake, it is bad for your health if you keep on sleeping for so long." He lightly moves her shoulder, to see if she wakes up or not.

"Noo~" even if her face was turned to bury under her pillow, it was easy to hear her dissatisfaction of his attempts to wake her.

"Princess, if you don't wake up, then you won't get to eat your favorite, French toast, it has a really thick layer of syrup, and fruits all on top and around it, with the finishing touch of walnuts. Don't you love that the most?"

While gently whispering the temptation of food on her ears, her movement of turning away stopped and she suddenly sprang up.

"Food! I'mth awake!" Her eyes were wide awake, looking around to see where the food is, only to see her father changing and Raphael smiling at her. With a few moments, she realized he said those things to just wake her up.

She ended up falling to her knees and slamming her fist on the bed, only tiny pa* pa* noises can be head from her fist making contact with the bed.

"Princess, I wasn't lying, but the only way you can get your food is if you go brush your teeth and change. Look at your papa, isn't he a good child. He finished brushing his teeth and is now changing."

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