So this is why emperors like to surround themselves with beauties.

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While letting out that deep sigh, I let the warmth spread and started to try and remember the game and its setting.

'So... been a month or less the last I played it, and I finished it quite quick since I went for the obvious "be weak and be rescued" route, almost all the men characters in those games like those types. '

'Remembering that one time I tried with going for answers that match my personality.... well... fuck all of those guys. They saw me as a brute of a girl. My heroine ended up with no one in all the routes. I got so pissed that I felt like slapping the shit out of those little fuckers.'

I frown from those memories and wonder if my strong urges of wanting to beat the shit out of those characters caused me to enter the stupid game.

"Your highness, are you feeling uncomfortable? Do you wish me to stop?"
I heard the male/female guy and opened my eyes to see his face just a few feet away, his face smeared by worry and his hand rather than inches away from my forehead, is now placed in my cheeks in concern.

'... I almost died by how beautiful this man is, his face can cause a heart attack by being that close.'

While trying to breathe I looked away and nodded.

'I don't speak because my broken speaking will bring me shame, after all, I'm a 25 year old women who doesn't wanna seem like an idiot who hasn't learn how to speak.'

"So Uriel, how is her highness, is she fine? Or did you find any type of abnormality in her highnesses health? Does she need more that your help? Is.."

"Raphael, Raphael please, one question at a time, you aren't letting me answer with those rapid fires of questions."

Uriel chuckled a bit and stood up, he was sitting on a chair that was placed next to my bed and stood close to Raphael.

'Nice eye candy, I don't mind this view, except the fucking pink room. Actually I hate it even more because it's hot pink, Fucking. Hot. Pink.'

'Who in their right mind will choose this crappy color? I hate it, I dispise it, I loathe it. I don't like bright colors, but this one takes the cake.'

While thinking that and glaring at the surrounding room, I look back at the men and feel like my eyes are being healed by their looks.

"Her highness does not seem to have anymore issues, but I do think the reason she forgot you and her maids is because her fever may have left some type of abnormality in her mind, she was sick for longer than 12 hours, which can cause permanent damage, maybe this was it?"

"I see... her highness ended up suffering for my carelessness... I should have selected even more competent workers rather than those fools who don't even know how to care for a child, especially a royal one."

"Well what can you do? Remember all personal caretaker of a royalty is chosen from noble lineage. And those maids used their family background to get the position so they can get closer to his majesty. You, nor his majesty can say anything because the nobles were adamant to place their daughters, who are of marriageable age close to his majesty. After all, you took the place of head butler, causing great dissatisfaction throughout the nobles. Causing his majesty no choice but to give in on this one."

Uriel tries to cheer up Raphael with those words.
'But... In a roundabout way, isn't he kinda blaming him that my father had no choice but to allow it because he gave the position of head butler to Raphael?'

While thinking that, Raphael noticed the exact same thing as I did, and you can actually see the aura around him just getting darker. Yet the pretty boy Uriel begins to panic and wonder why.

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