The Last Tear. part 1

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Listening to her words Seraph and Ariel frowns at her revelation of knowing who that boy will be in the future and how much his destiny strives to such a destructive path.
'If she hadn't revealed that she ordered Kano to follow her commands and she was the one who lied about the fake gift of the dwarf emperor just to not compliment him, then she would have still hidden this secret of hers. Without knowing, she was planning an even more dangerous thing than just rescuing Adeline in this incident.'
"You were planning to keep him close while hiding the fact of who he was from us, weren't you? If you hadn't revealed a thing we would have thought you became close with him because of the dangerous situation you both survived from. I bet Raphael and Mihkael would have agreed with no issue to have him accompany you and giving his father a position in the palace.
But do you know how dangerous that would have been? What if his fate go against yours and it is deemed that you are dispensable just so his fate is in the right track. Fate is what destined ones path, and you had changed many people destiny's and gone against fate too many times. You placed your life in danger. Not once, not twice, but multiple times and if we were still ignorant of your knowledge, then you may have done it multiple times more."
When hearing Seraph reprimand Sakura they all understood what Seraph was getting at.
They noticed how Sakura thinks.  She appears to  believe for some reason that this world that moves by the order of ones fate and destiny wouldn't find her a danger and depose of her any time soon because of her multiple actions of meddling with others fates.
She rescued Adeline, and doesn't seem to think nothing of it. She appears mature but she is someone who just matured from watching through the eyes of others, and not by years of experience like others.
They believe she doesn't see how much of an impact her actions are, she didn't just change Adeline's fate, but of multiple people who would have died or lived that day. It isn't just 10 lives but may even be 40 or 50 peoples who fates were changed by her actions.
The same when she rescued Igor. She believed she may have changed the fate of just the steward boy or Igor's, but it wasn't just their lives. She got those assassins who should have survived and escape die that night. From those actions she could have changed the fate of multiple people.
Maybe those assassins would have killed a ten or a hundred people more, or they could have been sent to guard and save other people in their guide. But from her actions it all changed.
Maybe fate had already fixed that issue and deemed her involvement as unimportant and just toss her to the side because she was just a mortal child favored a bit by the god/goddesses.
Yet this time she went beyond and this worlds fate may not let it gloss over any longer.
While they had that thought in mind, Sakura's way of thinking was different. Rather she wants to laugh at his seriousness about fate and whatnot.
She understood how fate moves in mysterious ways and how it is hard for one to change it. Look at her! She is the Sakura of this life because the others who are her predecessors died a tragic and pitiful death because they couldn't win against their fate of just being used or abandoned.
But she as well understood that they are overthinking in a way because they put to much importance in her lie about the gods being involved in this.
'Of course I would be naive if I believed they don't have a hand in me being dragged here and becoming Sakura. But I as well understand that they have no other involvement other than that.
I lied about the receiving visions from them, about the gods cherishing me and all that bullshit. But now they must think that the Gods have me preparing for something that's coming in the future, something that would put the whole world in danger. In a way, they are close to the truth but still miles away from it.'
Sakura knew that the one who was really cherished and loved by this world is Rose.
'The girl who returned to receive her rights as a princess and then all the love of the people around her. The one who will be the first high tier purification mage heroine after so many years passed without one. The one who saves many lives in the war against the corruption in the future while I as Sakura will be tossed to the side as an unlovable and hated princess who gave her soul to the corruption because I was jealous of this sister... but so what?
I don't know the reason why I was brought here or why there are memories of so many attempts and lives of past Sakura's. The only thing I do know is that I won't commit the same mistakes. I remained with my past memories rather than other Sakura's who seem to end up receiving those memories too late or never at all.
With this advantage I will survive. I won't follow fate and the destiny that seems to be glued to being Sakura, whatever is thrown to me I will suppress it and win against it. I will use the advantages given to me and the knowledge I have. No way in hell I'll allow myself to die in such a pathetic way like they did.'
"Sakura aren't you listening to me!"
She snaps out of her thoughts when she hears Seraph's voice raised in a way she never heard in this life.
Looking at him again after losing herself in thought she can see he was angry at her reaction.
Rather than feel scared or aggravated at his tone, she was surprised. Because he doesn't seem to be accusing her for trying to keep this a secret, but rather he sounded mad she was putting her life in danger.
He was mad that she doesn't seem to care about the danger and had gone with plans that would have been life threatening if she went on with trying to do this all by herself.
Feeling that he was angry for her protection she didn't know what to feel. This uncle of hers is her mothers brother of separate blood. He was strict and was aloof in all the memories of those Sakuras’ and even in her life he was a bit distant so she was always in guard with him.
She was never in a room alone with him because it would just be awkward silence because she would believe he would not want to bother to speak to a child who knew nothing of the world.
But seeing that he properly cared for her made her feel strange, the same feeling she had when finding out he actually took time to pay attention to such an insignificant fact about her like how she liked to drink her tea rose again.
This uncle of hers who doesn't care to pay attention on those who don't mean much to him or he wouldn't deem important actually placed something small about her as something important to remember and it just made that unexplainable feeling grow.
Not once has she thought this family member who doesn't share blood but last name actually cared for her, the only reason she felt he must have endured her was because she was the child of his precious sister and his best friend.
It made her understand that he does pay attention to her, just that she hasn't noticed it until now.
'Maybe this uncle of hers wasn't purposely distant to her, but just didn't know how to express his care.'
Then a memory of a past Sakura last image of him overlapped with the Seraph that is looking angrily at her. His usual well combed and natural curled hair was in disarray, the clean hair was filled with dust and specks of a deep crimson color. Maybe it was dried blood or something of the sort.
His well defined face that would be ambiguous if it didn't have the sharp chin and those cold eyes. Yet that usual sharp look was filled with exhaustion, withered from stress, anxiety, astonishment ... and agony. The blood seem to disappear from his face when he sees who was in front of him.
He eyes looked at the sword in his hand and then at the girl who was pierced by that sword. Her platinum blond hair swayed with the wind. Her appearance was beautiful yet terrifying.
Seraph watches in horror at the girl walking toward him, deepening the sword into her chest.
She doesn't even seem to appear to be fazed by the sword piercing her body with how nonchalant her expression appeared. But he can see the veins popping out from her holding her expression.
Before he can say anything else he saw her smile. A smile that hadn't become the usual sneering or sardonic tone she held this passed few months. Rather it was peaceful, calm... and  relieved.
Her usual pale skin became a sickly pale over the months and the veins that became abnormally black was prominent by her skin tone.
Her usual rosy lips became a pale pink, almost gray as if she wasn't alive. The grey dress she is wearing became a black one by how much her blood was leaving through the wound in her chest, yet the end of the dress became a crimson red because the corrupted blood died away in anger.
The eyes that was pitch black slowly changed to reveal her original and unique ones. A silvery white that mixes with the light brown in her eyes, making it seem like a yellow gold with silver. The rim of the iris a distinct black that seem to seep to the silver giving it a mystical sense. A haunting beauty that makes one feel as if they were being looked through by them.
Again he asks her that with the rim of his eyes reddening.
He let's go of the sword and watches how she stands before him with no care for it being in her chest.
He never thought this situation would ever occur.
He wasn't aiming for her. Rather, he was aiming at the leader of this war who was before him just a while ago.

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