The Celebration Banquet(3 years old.) part 2

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When all that was happening. Sakura was already in a location deprived of people. Seeing no one, she quickly began to run and seems to already know where she is heading because the few days she stayed there she would have someone take her around as a small "tour."

'Just this turn and all the way straight!'

She turns left and runs faster when she got close to her destination. Then she saw a boy she quickly recognized.


He was just 20 steps away from the closed door and was already raising his arm to knock on it when he gets there.

'Make it in time!'

Running she just barely caught up to him while he was just five steps away. She reaches out and grabs his shirt, Startling the teen to turn and look down when he didn't see anyone. He saw Sakura looking out of breath and a bit of tears in the rim of her eyes.

"Why are you here?"

He was wondering why there was a small child here and quickly remembered the celebration banquet and thought she must be a lost child of a guest.

'But how did she get all the way here? The banquet is 10 minutes away by walking, no child will walk that far from a secure place.'

"B-bathwoom. I-I can'th fwind the bathwoom."

In a toddler whimpering voice, Sakura answered the teen and begins rubbing her eyes as if she was going to cry soon.

"The bathroom isn't here, you must have made a wrong turn somewhere. Here, let me take you to the bathroom real quick."

He was trying to be patient with the kid because all the children who must have been here with parents are children of important individuals, so he didn't want to offend them.

But he wanted to take her there quickly and leave her there so he can complete his task of getting his emperor back to the banquet because her majesty Alyona is beginning to get impatient and angry.

'I'll just take her to the bathroom and get a guard to watch over her when I'm running back.'

"Nwo! Geth me Uwncl Azwael! I wanth him to take mwe back!"


"Uhhh Uwncl Azwael~"

Sakura covered her face and begins weeping into it.

"Oh no.. I'll take you to him. How does that sound?"

"Nwo! Geth me Uwncl Azwael! I wonth go with you! Uwaah."

Sakura begins to cry louder, but not loud enough that the shut door would be heard through. But it was enough to panic the young steward. And he quickly tried to find a way to appease her.

"W-wait! Don't cry. Let me just take you to him real quick ok?"

"Nwo!! Iw'll call you a kidnwappu' if you don'th bwing uwncl Azwael!"

The boy was even more panicked when he heard that. He doesn't recognize Sakura but if she is in this banquet and by her clothes itself, he can tell her status isn't low. So being called a kidnapper can really put him in danger.

'Quickly agree and go already you buffoon! I don't know how long Igor can withstand the assassination attack, but I already feel too much time has already passed. I can't let my small plan go to waste!'

"Ok ok! I'll get your 'uncle A-Azwael?' Just make sure to wait here and tell me how he looks like."


"H-he is with my papa. Pweple call h-him Empweror."

"Empweror?...! Emperor!?"

The boys expression paled and he quickly pieced together the identity of the girl in front of him.

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