....Why is no one fucking ugly???

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While being carried by Azrael to the meeting place, Sakura noticed her surrounding change from expensive furniture and paintings to a more modest and bare surrounding. Yet it didn't give off discarded or dirty, but a more serious and less for show type feel, it was just less extravagant.

'This must be the knights training area.'

while thinking that she just moves around to better look at her surrounding, causing Azrael to pause in steps so she doesn't fall, ' He really doesn't have any experience with kids, he hasn't really shifted his hold to follow my movements, but just kept pausing and waited for me to stop moving around'.

While those thoughts filled her mind, she stopped moving and decided to just stare at him. Years as an Adventurer and knight, he has noticed her full attention is now on him, yet he wasn't feeling any discomfort with the realization of this, to him if the princess wishes to stare, then she can, her actions and words are absolute to him.

But truth is, she is just a toddler to him, so he hasn't really felt it be a situation to worry about, not like she was planning to attack him or anything.

While staring at him, Sakura noticed again how handsome he is, and while being held by him, she felt his body had a more muscular feel than lean like Raphael and her dad.

His eyes held a ting of purple, yet mixed with brown, giving off such a mystical yet eerie feel.

'It may even be impossible to be born with such eyes unless you were born in a fantasy world' while gazing at his face, she noticed his tanned skin added a more exotic look because of his eyes, 'damn, I can stare at them all day, they can literally take your soul away'.

While taking her eyes away from his face, she looks down and noticed he had really long legs too.

'All of them are bit in the tall side, except Raphael and Uriel, I think they are in the more average ranges. But I think this guy might be 6'3 or something, he's seriously fucking huge.' She felt like she can see everything from his arms that she had that spontaneous moment of raising her arms and yell.

"I'm thu kighn uf thu wurd!!". 'IM THE KING OF THE WORLD!, is what I wanted to say, but why did it slur so badly!?' She made a crying face in her mind.

"Your highness, are you perhaps... happy?" Azrael noticed Sakura's yell, yet he couldn't quite understand, but he has noticed she was smiling and spreading her arms wide while doing so. Sakura looks up at him in surprise, since this was the first time he tried to actually talk to her, but she then smiled and let out a small "aye!".

While getting her answer, he for the first time they met, let out a smile, which felt like a refreshing spring. Sakura mouth was wide open in surprise, but still had the chance to blurt out,".... cute".

To her, his smile wasn't the type to have flowers bloom around him, or a devilish sexy charm that can enchant someone, or even that softness, but it was the type that causes one to feel a soothing emotion, a type that makes you let down your defense because it was just... just too different from his normal expression, it gave him a more innocent sense than the rigid, straight line he keeps his lips formed.

'It's an adorable boyish charm attack! I took a critical hit!!'
On the outside her expression was a gaping mouth, while in the inside she was rolling around while screeching of how adorable it is. But then he went back to serious mode and looked forward again.

Sakura raised her hands to her cheeks and felt the warmth in them, 'I thought I got used to good looking men, then another one with their own charm hits me straight in the eyes with their looks, I can't, my heart can't take anymore attacks.'

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