Little Miss Klutz and Mr. Vampire Boyfriend 18

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Alex POV-

"Marco...Marco...MARCO??" I waited there in the pool, either they were hiding from me, and cheating or the broke the rule of nobody getting out of the pool, either way they are in for some payback!

"MARCO POLO YOU IDIOTS!!" I yelled from the top of my lungs and opened my eyes....they were no where. Damn you Ben! I got angrily out of the pool and decided before i went off to get Karm, it was payback time, oh and revenge was pretty sweet...

Karm POV-

I was quickly swept up from the pool but before i could even breathe a hand had gone over my mouth and eyes, i was terrified, what if it was one of those horrible kidnappings of the princess that i've always heard about in the fairytale books. Oh god, if that was the case then Ben and Alex would have to save me, i don't exactly hate the idea, it's just...i know that Ben and Alex would refuse to use teamwork to save me, and end up hurting each other over some stupid plan that clashed with the other's, those idiots, I'll probably live up in the castle until dad pays ransom. Oh wait, i've been in this situation, i'll just zap this guy with fire! I concentrated and built the fire up in my mind then sent it to my hand i touched the skin on his back and-

"SHIT KARM!" I fell with a thud and pulled the bag over my head revealing Ben, still decked in trunks, laying on the ground, and rubbing his burn mark.

"Ha ha ha you idiot! Next time warn me before you that again, i thought i was getting kidnapped!!" I was trying to act angry with him but i couldn't contain myself, i laughed a bit but it died down.

"You? Kidnapped? Seriously, like that would ever happen!" He said flicking the idea away like a miniscule bug that just happened to be passing by. IT was as if he really could care less, and that wasn't exactly the most flattering thing in the world.

"So what if i was kidnapped hot shot? What then?" I said getting a little angry by his calm, nonchalant attitude.

"That would never happen to someone like you!" He said chuckling a little bit.

"Excuse me, Ben? What's wrong with someone like me?" I asked, just what was wrong with a 'person like me'? I was perfectly fine, you know beside being half vampire half witch, but that was beside the point, wasn't a guy who liked you supposed to like you for who you are?

"Don't be so defensive Karm, i'm just saying-" He answered, but i didn't let him finish.

"Just saying what, that you don't like who i am? Is that it?" I asked, somewhat hurt.

"Stop putting words in my mouth why don't you, maybe then i'll like what kind of person you are!" He yelled into my face and left me trembling under his words while he stormed out of the house.  knew it was the house because i could hear the big doors slam. They were heavy, but not to a vampire.

 I sat there, if i cried it wouldn't help, but i couldn't function right exactly. The tears were coming. I couldn't believe he'd said that... did he really not like the person i was, i'd had been his childhood friend you think he wouldn't have been so harsh, or maybe its my fault. Either way i really feel like crap.

Alex's POV-

I stood there and admired my work, not bad Alex, not bad. I heard a door slam and assumed it was Ben. So i ran up the stairs and into one of the rooms, where i saw Karm crying her eyes out, Her hair was disheveled and the ties on her top had come undone, threatening to fall and expose her. Ben slamming the door...Karm crying...that jackass, he probably tried to rape Karm or something, oh when i get to him i will tear his fucking face off! I was walking out the door.

"NO! Please don't go!" Karm choked out and grab held of my leg. I sighed. I crouched down to her eye level and tied her strap back around her neck, and kissed her cheek. My anger was slipping away from me as i held her sobbing face in my hand. She makes me worry about her, but the main thing is, i needed to no what had gone on between them.

"I'll stay with you," i replied soothingly, "but you have to tell me what happened when I was back at the pool." I said reassuringly to her.

She told me what had happened. Why the hell would he say that to her and then just leave her here like this, i was seriously going to punch that dude when he came back. Her tears were subsiding and i told her the little joke i'd played on Ben, if he hadn't already noticed he was about to....

"MY CAR! DAMNIT!" Ben yelled from afar, shaking the house, we both laughed at his expense, he discovered that i had drowned his precious sports car in the pool, that'll teach him to mess with my girl. KArm was laughing hysterically and clutching her stomach, she looked incerdibly sweet.

Suddenly i heard my phone ringing, i had an earpiece in so only i could recognize it, i'd have to leave quickly to pick it up.

"Uh, Karm i have to go to the bathroom if you don't mind, i'll be right back." I said getting up to leave, she nodded in my direction as a signal for me to go and i ran down the hall to my room.

"Hello?" I asked.

"Alex, have you found the subject of question yet. Be sure to find her and take her to us." The voice spoke theough the phone.

"No, not yet but i feel she will reveal herself at the Midnight Millenium Ball. I shall capture her and bring her and her true form back to be...disposed of." I spoke back through my voice harsh and cunning.

"Very well, see that you do. If time does not allow you, you may kill her yourself, make youself close to her, then slit her throat at will." He spoke urgently.

Karm's POV-

I headed back towards the room and heard Alex's voice talking on a cellphone, the man's voice was blurred and i only heard one thing from it.

"...make youself close to her, then slit her throat at will." i shuddered at the voice's command. And even more at Alex's reply.

"She will die by my hands i will move in close and gain her trust then cit her to pieces." Alex replied sending a chill through me. I realized that i had no idea about Alex's past, even when i met him he was just a kid from our school dating another vampire. I don't know about his parents, nothing at all...what if that girl was me what if-

"Did you hear any of that?" His body was close to mine and he was whispering in a harsh tone. I stumbled back knocking myself to the floor.

"you'll gain her trust then kill her..." I repeated his answer, "That's all i heard, but i'm guessing that i wasn't supposed to...Alex...just who are you?" I asked terrified. I backed up and he moved closer. I stood close and he stared. I ran as fast as i could but before i left i heard words that shook my senses.

"Your not her. Maybe." Alex said.

I was shaking inside and out i ran and ran until i thought i would die. maybe. maybe. maybe. the word that echoed in my head. mocking me. killing my heart and soul. But who was she, what had she done wrong? Maybe i was her. Maybe i wasn't. Maybe. 

I was in a meadow full of lilies. Beautiful flowers that floated in the breeze under the peircing blue sky with a fer wispy clouds. My life was cracking into my hands, yet how could there be such beauty in one small meadow. When my childhood friend insulted my very being. When my mother was gone and in trouble. When the woman who would die by my soulmate's hands was possibly me. How could there be even an inch of peace, an inch of happiness or joy.

How could those flowers sit there mocking me, dancing in my pain and sorrow, it seemed like it was all their faults. I took a lily and crushed it in my hand twisting it in my fingers  and thrusting it onto the ground. Then stepping in it repeatedly.  I realized my hand lit up, on fire, a burning flame of hatred and fierce passion. The flame swirled around in my open palm and as i set it down a small twig caught fire. As i thought of what pain i had ever gone through and what hatred i was feeling the fire grew hotter and more intense. I thrust onto the ground lighting the meadow on fire. A meadow once so beautiful had gone up in smoke. Serves the it right.

Little Miss Klutz and Mr.Vampire BoyfriendOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora