Little Miss Klutz and Mr. Vampire Boyfriend (4)

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(A/N: Awww you guys are awesome im gonna post this one for all my fans and warning multiple POV's)

Recap: ...My test was simple, piss her off...


Karm's Pov-

I had been luck y i guess. I didnt have to strip or ask a guy to marry me. This was gonna be easy right?!? Considering i make it out alive. I was hyped up, scared, and i just wanted to get it over with. I took deep deep breaths as everyone stared. It was lunch and they whole school knew it was gonna be another "test" from the gang. We huddled up and went over the plan, i had already memorized it but hey, it did help a bit. More deep breaths, then i started walking...


Alex's POV-

Everyon in shool was talking about it. The "tests" those people gave were hilarious, but i couldnt help feel bad for Karm. I mean she looked like she was scared stiff. I mean even being a vampire with superhuman senses didnt do any help. You could see it right on her face, she was scared, terrifyed even. I had this sttrange feeling around her, like i wanted her, and bad. Wolfie, the badass of the school, was my girlfriend, but the feeling of love between me and her was not even near the feeling with Karm! I looked down at her, she hung on me and rested her head on my shoulder. I gave her a quick peck on the forehead and then thought about her. She wasn't really a badass, only when she was really ticked off. She was pretty cool and i could tell her everything because she was also a vampire. She wasn't thaat bad she just had a lot happen to her.

I started comparing them. Karm had a beautiful hair color, and Wolfie's hair was blond and curly. Although Wolfie had beautiful amber eyes, Karm had a stunning hazel. I knew i had to have her, i would have to break up with Wolfie but i just HAD to have Karm. I had so many questions! Why am i so attracted to her?Why do I care? Why did that werewolf Justin look at her like he knew her? and most of all Why is she walking this way!


Karm's POV-

Oh god, here we go! I walked over and shoved Wolfie with all my force. I heard a "WTF" and a thud as she hit the ground. I could see the gang holding her back and ushering me to go on. I cupped his face in my hands and kissed him. I just couldn't seem to pull away! WE were kissing! HE was kissing back! HE probably had a girlfriend who wanted to kill me at the moment! He soon forced my lips open and my tongue explored his mouth. Mmmm peanut butter! MY FAV! I broke the kiss with much effort.I wasn't done, but almost...

"I want you..." i wispered seductively in his ear.

"You can have me!" he replied, which sent chills down my spine, but i was NOT gonna let him get te best of me, so i nibbled on his ear then got up and smacked him. I smiled triumphantly and looked around at the reactions.

Alex: Bewildered and confused

Wolfie: Ready to rip me to peices

The Gang: Laughing hysterically

My classmates:In total Awe

Justin Reed: Wait I knew that reaction all to well... That was Justin, He followed me, and he was gonna kill me...

I let out one bloodcurdling shriek and thenn fainted, into the blackness, into the lonelyness...

Little Miss Klutz and Mr.Vampire Boyfriendحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن