Little Miss Klutz and Mr. Vampire Boyfriend (16)

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(when I say "tomorrow" I MEAN tomorrow!! Anyway so I guess its not exactly tomorrow morning, because, hey, I sleep pretty frikin late! Anyways, LOVE TO HEAR THE COMMENTS I mean really, constructive criticism is god for the soul, like chicken soup! Anyways comment, vote, read ,and last and most important READ THE DANG THING!!)

RECAP : "Now that we're done playing happy-family, lets get down to business." ...


After the explaining...

Alex's Pov-

"W-w-what!!!" I yelled. What? How could this be...

"You heard me, you are n longer Karm's only soul mate, you can 1. Give her up to Ben. 2. Fight for her in a competition or 3. Share her." Karm's dad or 'Elisha' said, chuckling at the last part.

"DAD!" Karm yelled, offended by the last option, she wasn't going to let us share her, and I sure as hell wasn't going to either!!

"Karm?" I asked dejectedly looking towards her as though she was the last chance I had at happiness, unfortunately she nodded, looking down somewhat embarrassed by the whole thing.

*Damn! So that's what mini Karm was talking about when she said 'You and Ben' Damn bitch!*

I looked to the guy named Ben standing at the corner, glaring at me but then staring devotedly towards Karm, Well he looks ok, but not as hawt as me!!

*EXCUSE ME!! Fine then, I'm poofing out of my devil costume!! You know what!, you can see me in a nun costume instead! And actually Ben is very very hot!*

*I don't think so, you're MY little Karmella Kutie, but your right that nun costume sucks, and im tired f the sexy devil...HOW ABOUT SEXY ANGEL! 'poofs mini Karm into an angel costume' *

* 'pulls short skirt down' DAMN YOU!!*

*Nah uh Kutie Pie, cute little angels aren't supposed to talk that way.*

* oh really now? So I'm Mrs. Kutie Pie? How about you tell that to the real me and see if she smiles or slaps you, my little Alexander Airhead*

-snaps back out of his mind-

'looks around'

"Hey where did everybody go?" He looked around the room and all he could see was Karm's dad, Elisha.

"Oh Cassie is in her room, and Karm just went up to hers to put a bathing suit on to meet Ben by the pool." He said nonchalantly. Wait!

"Where am I gonna stay? Hey and when does this damn contest start anyway?"

"You and Karm and Ben will all be sharing Karm's room, you stuff has been transported from wherever to the two dressers now standing beside Karm's dresser, your's is blue Ben's is green, Karm's pink. "You two have a bed next to hers your's is blue, Ben's green, Karm's pink. Starting to get the pattern? Oh and the contest starts tomorrow." He said apathetically.

"Yah yah I got it." I said with the same apathy. "So where is Karm's room?"

"out of this room to the right, three rooms over."

"Okay, whatever," came my reply, I didn't like talking to this dude in the first place, and with that ran out of the room to find Karm and start making her mine!

Little Miss Klutz and Mr.Vampire BoyfriendWhere stories live. Discover now