Little Miss Klutz and Mr. Vampire Boyfriend (9)

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( woohoo first private messenger, u know what this means... NEW CHARACTER!!! her name is dollyhari but i'm gonna use dolly though since she didnt put her name! Woohoo!!)

short summary recap: losing her power, she fainted.


Cassie(u should know by now)-

We hurried to get there and when we did we gasped. it was about fifty feet up, no door. I could see the michevious look Alex had in his eyes. I really didn't want to think about it now though, i just wanted to see Karm! I used the water from a stream nearby to hoist me up to the small window, i'd break the bars if I had to. Most people that didn't have their daughter kidnapped would thing this was a pretty place, more of dream thaan nightmare. But reality told otherwise.

I finally got thru and the scene before nearly brought me to tears. I found Karm lying on the floor, tunned, and a girl lying against the wall...frozen in time. I could feel Karm's ora, it was very weak, i immediatley knew what happened, i also knew she was gonna die and soon, unless we used...

"Unless we used what!" alex asked flashy a cock grin.

"This is no time for games Karm could die any minute!" i shouted, on the verge of tears. His look immediatly changed from attitude to worry and shock.

Then it turned determination "What do we do!" ... there's only one thing...

"Soul mate ceremony... she must find a soul mate in the next hour, he must kiss her, then she'll be strong enough for a power transfusion... but finding a soul mate is almost impossible in that time... she won't last much longer!" i said a silent sob escaping my grasp... NO! i had to be strong.

"How the hell do we do that!" he replied.

"Well I figure it's either Justin... or you." Ha, he looks surprised.

"I'll go first." Justin said grudgingly from the corner... how long had he been here... more important how did he get up here...

"We're losing time just get on with it." Alex said, twitching an inch... guess he wanted to go first.


Alex's POV (if you dont know who he is u've gone mental)-

I saw Justin's eyes become hopeful, i bet she didn't even want me in the first place, she just did it on some stupid dare. It's just that I guess I felt something more... I think it took all my restraint to not go up to Justin and beat the hell out of him! It was done and we waited...

"It's been a minute... Justin, your not her soul mate..." He looked defeated, helpless, hopeless, broken. Then for some reason he sensd something and looked... HAPPY! HAS HE GONE MENTAL!!

I took a deep breath, will i end up broken... Our lips met and it was fireworks, I could feel a sharp pain and then I couldn't help,I screamed painfully.


Karm's POV (finally)

I could feel myself, i was gaining power, I awoke from my sleep to find someones lips against mine!! WOAH!!! This dude could kiss, i zoomed back to reality, HOLY CRAP IT"S ALEX!! OMG my savior! I melted into the kiss but ?I suddenly heard a gut-wrenching scream coming from... ALEX!

Now to think of it... "AHHHHH!" MY NECK WAS BURNING!!! I knew Alex didn't bite me but there was this insatiable pain. Then two more screams... JUSTIN AND WOLFIE!!! WTF!!!! I did not need them right now, and why were they scraming too!


Third Person POV-

Cassie muttered only one thing "Soul Mating..." and eventually the screams died down. The four teens were drifting into peacefulness. Suddenly a little girl appeared...


??? POV (little girl tht just appereared P.S- dollyhari this is your character!)-

"Hewwoo mommy i been wookin evrywhere for yous!" I swaid, I onwy seen momma once wen i was wittle.

"Umm sweetie I'm sure I have no idea what your talking about." she swaid.

"I bween lookin for my big sisra to and I onwy a wittle girl, I six!" Gosh momma just dont get it! She wook a wittle shocked too.

"What's your name dear?" wow she not a smart momma.

"I'm Dolly, ans sista name is Kawmewwa!" I hope she members!

"Omg! Sweetie, come here!" she was cryin, i dont like wen she cry!

"No cry momma, i no want you be sad!"

"No darling it's just that I'm so happy!" Wow I love her alweady!

"Where is my sis!" She pwointed to a girl on ta floor. OOh no shes hurt, I wan ova gave her big hug, and den sat down.

"Powas of heawing i call 'pon you!" I waved my hands ova her but she not wake up.

"I'm a bad heawer!" I cryed.

"No No," momma said, "shes not hurt, just sleepy! now come over and give me a big hug!" I wan to her and squised her, but not to hard! I don't wanna squished momma.


Jag's POV-

"Would anyone like to explain why this two year old is here calling you mom?" I was really confused.

"I not two, I six!" he came over and slapped me! OW! Wow i just got slapped by a six year old... awww so cute, wow i can't help but feel an attachment to her...

"Well Jag... remember that summer where i uh cheated on Karm's dad with you..." She trailed off hoping i' figure it out.

"I still don't know whats going on...!" I say this cuz hey I didn't!!

"Oh god, you boys are soo stupid... lemme make this clear SHE IS YOUR DAUGHTER!" Wow, omg, omg ,omg!

"I accidentally got pregnant that summer and I had to use a spell to make her born early, I had to keep her in hiding so I called in a favor from some very old friends and they probably didn,t hear about his death til this week so they sent her out to come find me... and well here we are!" I couldn'tt beleive it, i had finally gotten the girl...

"Come give me a hug!" I said and grabbed Dolly into my arms.

"I wuv you too daddy!" She said... awww so cute.

I could hear mumbing, groaning, and then an alltogether chorus of four "WHAT THE HELL!" 's from the kids... guess who woke up!

Little Miss Klutz and Mr.Vampire BoyfriendWhere stories live. Discover now