Little Miss Klutz and Mr.Vampire Boyfriend (3)

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(A/N: i'm super duper tired but because i love my readers i'll continue! oh and WoLfChIcK your parts in this one too! K on to the story peace sukkas! XP! Btw this chapter is kinda short but dont worry the next one will be longer!)

Recap "My house, 1:00." she smiled wickedly. (A/N sry guys i might not have gotten it right...)


I shuddered as remembered i was gonna have to do my "test" tonight. I pulled on tight skinny jeans, a pink shirt, my converse, and my grey hoodie that said "Nightmare in Disguise". I pulled out my rope that i usually kept incase of parties. Hey i was a klutz but everyone loves to laugh, don't they. I tied it to my bedpost and flung it out the window. After grabbing some silly string i made my way down and took off on my bike. Why don't i take my car? Well my mom ended up coming home early and its hard not to wake people up in a car. I had crashed about twice, but remember im a clutz.

I had made it there at exactly 1:00 and i was greeted by the gang. I got everyone to come outside, insisting i needed fresh air! Bam! I popped off the cap of the silly string i had grabbed early and had everyone running lad mad! I figured i should get a laugh out of this! I instantly regretted it and everyone started running towards me. They dragged me to Fox's and Sam's backyard and flung me into the pool. After the laugh fest it was down to buisness, time for the test.

I listened intently after drying myself off and borrowing some of the twin's nightgowns.

"Ok so before we start i wanna say that everyone has earned their keep, so don't think were picking on you!" Fox explained. Everyone jumped in and immediatly started telling their stories.

"I had to kiss a straight guy in front of the whole school, then run around screaming "I'M GAY" during lunch!" Mark said. we chuckled and mark seemed happy, like he enjoyed it! ha!

"I had to strip down to my bra and undies on stage during lunch!" Ty said, seeming embarassed

"We had to ask our boyfriends to marry us!" They yelled simutaneously, then laughed at the memory.

"Now it's your turn!" Ty chuckled, "You have to..." she wispered the plan in my ear. OMG i couldn't believe it, so i nodded and absentmindidly rode back to the house. (A/N hey WoLfChIcK ur parts coming up!)

After tripping and falling on the carpeted floor in my room i just laid there, I liked my room the ceiling was white, walls were purple, bed was white, sheets were purple, and it went on alternating from there, white,purple,white, purple. I just layed there for an hour, then got up and drifted into a dreamless sleep.


At lunch The gang pointed her out to me. "The Wolf" they called her. Her real name was Wolfie

but people were always so intimidated by her thats what they started calling her. She was the badass of the school. Mess with her and you will never see the light of day. My Test was simple, piss her off.The told me she was Alex's girlfriend so i needed to go up to her, push her off Alex, kiss him full on the lips, and whisper" i want you". I held my breath and then started on my way...

(A/N: sry guys thats it, like i said, im really uber tired! WoLfChIcK you will have more story TRUST ME but for now i leave you with this. oh and btw the next part will be in multiple POV's so just to let you know)

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