Little Miss Klutz and Mr. Vampire Boyfriend (5)

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(A/N: hey guys this is just sorta justin story of why he came here and stuff, butit also has a lot of excitment!!)


ZROOOOMMM : back in time 2 weeks after the incident with Justin and Karm, 2 days before school! This is almost all Justin's POV!!!


Justin POV-

Oh no what have i done, oh god no, i wanted her closer to me and now im just pushing her away! I sat their and thought back, she knew i was angry, why did she run! I lost control, i i just thought she loved me, i mean she did! didn't she? I have to make this right! I have to find her and i have to make this right! I got so made at myself so i smashed a hole in the wall of my bedroom. Great! Just probably the 25th i'v made this week. Hmm i have to think of a plan to win back her heart! I need her, and she needs me, not right now but she will.

I knew that Karm was a scenter. Her very scent made every creature attracted to her, and if i find where the hell she went i'll bet there's a vampire or another werewolf. I swear if they touch her! BAM! Great! Hole number 26 has arrived! Wait, god im dumb, why don't i track her! I grabbed my clothes, and put in colored contacts, I was reaching seventeen so the werewolf growing hormone was setting in. My voice was gruffer, I was taller, and my eyes had changed color. Karm knew about this but i'll bet she forgets.

Now the tracker... Ah ha! I pulled out the locket she had given me for my sixteenth birthday, it had the smell of her all over it... the smell of her love... Nevermind that! Ok i was all set time to track.


~First day of school still in Justin's POV-

Oh God, there she is! She flirting with that dirty little vampire. *scoff* Ha if she only knew. Alright deep breaths, Ha she flicked him off, aww im soo proud. Ok he goes. I grabbed her shoulder, oh god she remembers! Why the hell is she crying! * Few Mins. later when Karm thinks she wrong.*

"Am I just that beautiful?" God i sound like and asshole.

"Fuck off dude, she can handle herself!" Not wanting to make a scene i just snarled and gav Karm a knowing look. I hopped she flick the dude off again but no... SHIZ!

For the next feww days i just watched her, there was a rumor around school she'd have to do some kind of test, and by the looks of it, it was bad. Uh I really felt sorry for my poor baby. Hmm.


~Test day same POV-

She walked over to the vampie table uh! I can't bellieve this what is she gonna do, give the sicko a lap dance. Suddenly there was a "WTF" i froze... OMG she sounds lik an angel! I looked around quickly and noticed she was... a vampire. I could care less, she looked so beautiful, so angelic.


~Still test day Wolfie's POV-

"WTF" I looked over and some slut was kissing Alex on the lips. My blood was boiling. I was about to puch her so hard but something was holding me back, or should i say someones. There were about four people holding me back, they were strong. I was going to have my revenge, I WOULD HAVE IT! Then i looked around... OMG there was this beyond cute boy, Justin i think, mmmm so cute! WAIT FOCUS! revenge revenge! She stopped kissing Alex and whispered something. OH NO SHE DIDN"T! she just slapped the hell out of Alex's face. HA! That's what you get you manwhore!


~Justin's Pov-

She stood there standing waiting, just then the angel walks up and "NOOOOOOOOOOO!" i lunged for her.


~Chris's POV!~

I just sat there like WTF! omg then i ralized that was the test! SHIZ! hey but that doesn't mean i didn;t like it! I'll get her one way or another. Btw where was Wolfie, i was gonna get an earfull. I looked around and saw her standing behind... "NOOOOOOOOOOOOO!" I lunged for her.


~Wolfie's POV~

I looked around and within seconds i got a sharp knife from the kitchen she was gonna hurt. I took it and while she was temporaroliy mesmorized i plunged, she fainted, i win... game over. i heard NOOO's and by the time Justin's and Alex's hands touched over the slut's body i was zoomed to a battle area. OH great it was battle for the death to see who gets to take the slut home. She looked all fixed up and new. And the boys looked ready to kill each other! I decided to play the game they were. I quickly snook of with the slut, they wouldn't notice til later.



We had been zoomed to a battle arena, death match, winner takes the girl. We were in the middle of the fight when...

"WAIT!" i boomed.

"What, does the dog give up?!" asshole rplied.

we both stuck straight as a pin when we sniffed the air!"Where's KARM!" we yelled simutaneously!

He only said one thing "Wolfie..."

Little Miss Klutz and Mr.Vampire BoyfriendWhere stories live. Discover now