Little Miss Klutz and Mr. Vampire Boyfriend (11)

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(Ok guys, since your so confused about the last chap let me clear things up b4 i start. alright so in chapter six when Cassie was talkin bout Jag she said: "He knew I had a fiancé that I hated, but that the marriage was arranged. He died shortly after Karms birth and Jag came to help me out for a week." Remember?? If not look it up in chap six its right after the gang explains whats going on. Anyway so this means he died, right. and your like, but how? well it will tell you in this chapter, so dont worry. But your also wtf cuz of the "our daughter" part in the last chap. Well apparently, if your smart, u've figured out he is not dead, is in league with Daniella to kill Cassie, and his name is Elisha. Whew, ok so I'll do more Explaining but it's in the chap, READ ON!, ) Lilly :) (Btw my trip got cancelled...shit)


Recap from 2 chaps back-

"WHAT THE HELL" Karm, Alex, Wolfie, and Justin said almost perfectly together.


Cassie's POV-

"Alright Everyone settle down, I have to do some explaining." Wolfie turned her head to Karm.

"Don't even think about it, karm could have held you at bay but I can kill you in an instant so sit down and shut up." She did.

"Ok, so apparently you all are soul mates, Justin and Wolfie, Karmella and Alex." I heard a lot of gasps.

"Ok but another thing, its about the girl you see beside me," they turned their heads to Dolly, "This starts way back, you see, I had an arranged marriage with your father, Karm. And lets just say it wasnt love at first sight. Plus he wasn't my soul mate,Theday after Karm was born, her father, Elisha, had to work on an important mission. After all he was the prince of the vampires. Oh yes so that means you are half witch and half vampire, Karm."

"Well, whoop de dang doo, just another thing that ruins my life."

"Anyways, he had to get rid of a stray patch of werewolves that were getting out of hand. I said he should stay, but he was always disagreeing. He went and a day later he was pronounced dead. I decided I would Keep Karm safe so I just said that her father died a while ago, nothing about the witches and vampires."

"You were getting to the little girl?" Alex said, already in the know, from reading my mind.

"Yes well, I never liked Elisha and I got really mad one summer and i uh was "With" Jag if you know what i mean. Long story short I got pregnant and I didnt want Elisha to know so I gave Dolly here to some good friends."

"But ok so if you had Dolly before Karm why is Karm older?"

"Well I had my friends wait til she was six and then keeps her in a time bubble, a bubble that stops time for that person, and then when Elisha died she was to be sent to me."

"Back to the story, well so basically Jag is Dolly's father, so Justin and Karm are step siblings and Dolly is half wolf half witch. She came while you guys were sleeping and thats about it." Whew good to get that out. (remember Justin is Jag's son, where's the rest of the family? Well you'll have to wait and see)


"Karm calm down baby!" she was having a hissy fit.

---Suddenly someone walks out from the shadows---


??? POV-


"Hello Hunny, Hello Cassie, its been so long."

"Elisha?" I thought he died.


Karm's POV(bout time)-

"Dad?" I started walking towards him, maybe he could make everything better, mabye it was mom's fault, maybe he's a nice daddy... i've never had a dad.

I could feel the salty tears keep rolling down my cheeks as I numbly walked on.

"Karm no!" My mom made a reach for me but something stopped her.

"Daddy." I pulled him in for a hug, he was so warm.

"Yes my child, i love you so much, come with me, i will take the pain away."

"I love you too, bye mom." I feel asleep hugging him.


Elisha POV-

"You've gotten weak, babe." I picked Karm up.

"My conditions are simple, meet me, talk with me, bend to my will, take no one." I turned my head aroun one last time.

"You know where to find me. I suggest you hurry, isn't that right Karm?" I walked into a puff of smoke, time to go home and get started on the ceremony. (ceremony to seperate soul mates, you'll learn about it later on)



Alex's POV-

I made a reached for her but someone pulled me back, it was Karmella's mom.

"What the hell, i need her back!" I yelled

"It too late, we can't reach her now." God shut up andlet me go!

"But we have to do something!" I said. Why won't she understand!?!

"No I have to do something... alone!" She said back.

"You can't do it alone, i'm going to!" If it was the way to get her back, so be it, she may not know it but now shes my life.

"I'm coming too, as much as a bitch she is, i've never been happier!" She pecked Justin on the cheek, and I gotta say, It doesn't bother me, which is weird.

"Me too, I gotta stick up for my step-sis!" There's Justin and his I'm-so-brave attitude again.

"I'm coming too, she's almost like a daughter to me." Jag hasnt spoken in a while, and its probably right he should go, plus dude's kinda cool.

"Fine I guess i can't fight all of you... but we will have to think of a plan!" Well there ya go Mrs. I'll go by my self, nice job.

"For Karm, Now lets get to the plan." ...

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