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Next Day - Thursday @ Night around 2 am ...

Khushi yawned as she looked at her cell phone, waiting for Arnav's message. It had been days that she didn't see him, although they did talk on phone and through messages. But today she wanted to have a skype chat with him. Arnav told her that he will be late today as he had few meetings following a dinner and they can do video chat tomorrow. But she insisted that she will wait and want to do it tonight. She was missing him a lot and wants to see him.

When her eyes just about to droop she felt her cell vibrated. She checked and got happy. She quickly went to her study table, logged into her Skype and waited for Arnav.

Few seconds later she saw him calling her and quickly pressed the green button. Arnav's face came on her screen. Her heart picked up a beat seeing his handsome face after days. His hair was slightly wet from front and face looked tired. Still there was a smile on his face when he said HI in his deep husky voice.

"Hh ..hh . ii", Khushi stammers a bit.

"What happened?", asked Arnav amused, he was happy to see her face and could see her cheeks having a faint pink tint even in the less yellow light of table lamp placed on her table. She faced it towards her so that Arnav could see her properly.

"Nothing, I am fine. But you don't look so. Tired?", said Khushi as she rubs her palms. It was the first time she was having video chat with him and she felt like a teenager talking to her secret boyfriend.

"What are you thinking?", asked Arnav as he saw her biting her lower lip and shy expression. Khushi giggles a little as she shared her thoughts.

"Ahaan, you haven't done it before?", asked Arnav little surprised.

"Arnavji, if you remember I told you that I did not have a boyfriend and I have never done that kind of stuff before with anyone, you were my first", said Khushi little embarrass, little shy.

"Well I am glad it's like that, but seriously Khushi you never liked someone before? A neighbour or a classmate in college?", asked Arnav being curious, "A pretty girl like you, I am sure you have many admirers".

"Um nope, there were few who asked me out but I didn't like them in that sense and I am not THAT pretty that people will like me that much", said Khushi with a nervous laugh.

"Ask me how beautiful you are Khushi, inside out", said Arnav little in anger, "Never say that again".

"Ok ok fine, don't get angry", said Khushi as she saw his serious expression, "Tell me how's your work going? Are you done? You said you will be there only for 2-3 days".

"Its going fine, it will be over tomorrow I guess, just few things left", said Arnav as he put both his hands at the back of his head leaning against the bed.

"Oh that means you can come here on Saturday?", asked Khushi hopefully.

"Not sure, why?", said Arnav.

"Its my Alumni dinner at the university and my friends had been asking me to ask you to come there", said Khushi.

"Oh, your friends want. Not you?", asked Arnav.

"No, I want too", said Khushi quickly. Arnav smirk and Khushi pouted, "So will you come please".

"Khushi I don't think I can, I am not sure if everything will get over tomorrow, plus the flight is about 7-8 hours, if I do try my best, I will reach there late night, and by then your alumni dinner will be over", said Arnav as he put his hands back on his sides.

"Please Arnavji, come na, I want to introduce you to everyone there, my friends and teachers. There were girls who had always teased me that I cannot get a good boyfriend. I want to show them I have the best. THE ASR", said Khushi as she made a gesture with hand in air for his name.

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