Through The Dark

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November 8, 2013
London, England

Emiliana's POV

After the album release party, we spent multiple days of not doing anything work related and Julian has been on our ass to start coming up with the last couple songs. So today, of course, we have a short session just to at least record a song Julian claimed to be already done Liam and Louis. No one heard it yet except themselves so today is mainly to hear and possible record it. He never told me about said song but I guess we'll see.

Cara had called me earlier today to ask if I wanted to go shopping with her. I haven't spent time with her in a really long time and I thought it was about time I did so. I've been extremely busy and she's been held up at Uni since final exams are soon. Niall has been secretly complaining that he misses her and wishes she could just come visit him, but she really can't.

Today was her only off day from these months and she took that opportunity to see me. Maybe I'll invite her to the studio so she can at least spend a couple hours with the boy.

"Ooh look at this" Cara gasps, taking out a long red dress that has glitter all over it. I scrunch my nose in distaste and shake my head. Glitter sticks to your body way too much. I run my hands over the silky dresses, seeing the different colors popping out.

"That's pretty" Cara says from over my shoulder. I nod in agreement, loving the feeling of the soft silk on my fingertips. Cara grabs the hanger it's held up from and brings it in front of me, tilting her head to get a good look at it.

"You should get it" She starts, a smirk forming on her lips. My face falls at her facial expression because god knows what she's thinking.

"Actually, don't bother, Harry will rip it off you once he sees you in it anyways" My jaw drops at her comment and I immediately slap the dress away from me. Cara and I have never talked about our..Relations..With either boy. I've never mentioned if I ever did anything more than kissing with Harry and she's never said anything about her and Niall.

Guess that changes today.

"Oh yeah? What about you and Irish? Getting into it lately?" I shoot back, a teasing smile on my face. She gasps and slaps my arm rather harshly.

"You did not just go there! My sex life is no business to you" She huffs, before she realizes what she said. Her eyes go wide and her head snaps to mine quickly.

"I guess that answers my questions" I sing-song, walking to the next aisle of dresses.

"Whatever" She rolls her eyes but I can tell she's thinking about it when he cheeks flush red.

"You and Harry?" She questions, knowing I knew what she's asking specifically. I smile softly at the thought of our first time together, my first real time.

"Yeah" I respond quietly, eyeing her reaction. Her expression stays neutral, a small smile forming.

"You deserve that you know?" She says seriously, making direct eye contact with me. I notice the change of tone in her voice and turn to her completely, giving her my full attention.

"What?" I question. I wasn't sure if she was talking about the sex or Harry. Honestly, maybe I deserve both.

"You deserve Harry. He's a good guy, the best guy, and you deserve a that type of guy..After everything, you deserve a lot more than what was given to you" She says softly.

"I..I know I do. I've come to terms that whatever happened with Justin, it was the worst of it all, you know? Nothing can get any worse than that, only better. I'm aware that Harry would never get to that point, I mean look at him, look at me. I don't think I ever imagined Harry being so perfectly imperfect, as cheesy as it sounds. I don't think I could see myself with anyone else" I gush, a bright smile on my face.

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