Coffee Date

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April 12, 2013
Doncaster, England

Today Cara and I are meeting up at a cafe near her home. I told her I could meet her in her town as I didn't mind driving the hour and fifty minute drive. I woke up around nine in the morning so I can make it there in time for brunch at one.

I'm wearing a tight, white crop top shirt with champion sweatpants. I look at myself in the mirror and look down at the necklace I haven't taken off for years now. A frown makes it's way to my face as I remind myself of how much I miss him. I haven't seen him for about a month and I still don't know when I will be able to see him again.

Harry and I have been calling and texting since but it's not the same. He's been extra busy and I know he's exhausted after every show so I try not to bother him at night. He always tells me to call him anyways but I would hate to ruin his precious sleep when he needs it the most. His effort to talk to me is enough to keep me going for a day.

I grab the keys to my white Audi, being that it's 11 in the morning, I will get to the cafe just in time. The Audi hasn't been uses for a while so it still smells pretty knew. The exterior glistens from the sun's shine on it. The inside is a black silky leather, making the seats comfortable to stay for a long ride. There's a good sized sunroof up top for colder days when the sun is out. I put the keys in the ignition, hearing the roar of the engine that's letting me know the car is on and running.

Before I even move the car, I turn on the radio and play the Top 40 Hits. I pull out the driveway and swiftly drive through town, towards Doncaster. I pat my thumbs against the steering wheel and hum along to the music playing. My car has always been smooth along the roads, never failing to make me feel comfortable driving it, especially ling distances.

"Thanks for listening to today's Top 40 Hits, next song is Little Things by British boyband One Direction!" The radio host says. I laugh at the coincidence and turn up the volume. The familiar tune of the guitar plays and Zayn's voice fills the air inside my car.

The song was given to the band by Ed Sheeran. I've never met Ed but I know he's a mate of Harry's and he is a great guy. Harry has told me many stories of the two and how their friendship has grown. I remember going to the store with Harry to get a tattoo gun and all the material to sterilize the needles for Ed's birthday. The next day Harry came to me with a pretty professional looking padlock on his wrist. I was surprised when he told me Ed did it.

After a pretty boring drive with the same songs repeating over and over again, I finally arrive at a plaza where Cara was gonna meet me at this time. The plaza was small and had a flower garden in the middle of it. Families walked around with shopping bags and ice cream cones in their hands, taking advantage of the hot weather in England. Teens carried multiple bags of clothing and other things while laughing and gossiping with each other. Everyone wore fresh clothes due to the scorching heat.

I turned the ignition off and got out of the car, locking it. I walked down the parking lot to the gate entrance of the plaza. I look around, trying to spot Cara. My eyes find my favorite blonde sitting at a bench on her phone. I smile and walk up to her. As if she can sense my presence, she looks up and smiles back.

"Hey babes! I've missed you!" She exclaims, hugging me tightly. "God it's been too long" I sigh in relief. Since Cara is two years older than me, I haven't seen her for more than a year because of her Uni and I was still in school here. The last time I saw her was my birthday but that was only a couple of hours, being that she had to go back home.

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