Bar Fights & Drunk Nights

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August 30, 2013
NYC, New York

Harry's POV

I hear a soft groan from the small girl in my arms and lift my head to see her eyes fluttering open slowly. I bring her closer to my body despite the fact that I knew she's not feeling well. She sighs a breath and turns around, her eyes still closed. She places her head under my chin, her face nuzzling into my chest. I smile and kiss her forehead. She must have a killer hangover.

Last night was rough. Both emotionally and physically. The boys and I left the bar due to an inconvenient situation. We got back to the girls and let's just say, they must've all had something to forget about. None of them were as bad at Emiliana though.

"Everything hurts" She moans in pain, shielding her face from the sunlight. I chuckle softly and smooth her hair out. Today I also woke up with pain, but not from a hangover. She sighs slightly and gets up, squinting her eyes at the light. Her face turns to mine and her eyes widen with no hesitation, the light sensitivity long gone. Shit.

"Oh my- What happened to your face?" She whispers. Her soft hand comes to my split lip, making me wince at the touch. She retracts her hand instantly, a look of guilt on her face.

"You should see the other guy" I lighten up the mood. The last thing I meed is for her to worry about my beat up face.

"The other..." She starts to question but her face falls. She knows exactly who the 'other guy' is.

"It was Justin wasn't it?" She asks, already knowing the answer. I look down slightly. I didn't want to see her face when her suspicions are confirmed. This is exactly what she wanted to avoid and it's exactly what happened.

"Harry look at me" She murmurs, the words barely coming out. I look up and see her wince a bit at the sight of my face again. She's never seen me like this, hell I've never seen myself like this. I've only punched one guy and that's because he was touching her.

"What happened?"

*Last Night*

"Yeah that's Justin..What the hell is he doing here?" Louis asks after Niall pointed him out. I look down at my drink because just the sight of him angers me. I can't stand him.

"Whatever his reason, I doubt it's good" Liam mumbles. The boys nod in agreement and change the subject. We continue talking about normal stuff, what we're gonna do now that we don't have anything else until tour, if we've written anything. The night was young and we were just five lads having a normal night for once.

"Oh look who's here" A voice interrupts us. I groan internally and turn to see none other than Justin. He wears a stupid smirk and a small blonde girl hangs off his arm. Poor girl.

"What do you want Justin" I ask calmly. If I get anymore heated tonight, I might have to punch him. I wouldn't complain though.

"Just wanted to know how my girl is" He shrugs. I clench my fist tightly in response. He can't just come in here and talk about the girl he hurt over and over again like nothing. His smirk grows when he notices my frustrated state.

"Ooh touchy subject huh? What? Trouble in paradise?" He taunts. I stand up to my full height, the boys following me. I'm a few inches taller than Justin, so I have an advantage if this dickhead wanted to try something.

"Why don't you go back to where you came from mate, we don't want any trouble" Zayn says somewhat politely, trying to avoid any brawl.

"I think I'm gonna stay here actually" Justin says. He comes closer to me, almost chest to chest. The girl that was by his side long gone. The boys come right behind me as support, almost like they know what's about to happen.

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