Babysitting Lux

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May 23, 2013
Barcelona, Spain

Earlier this morning, I got a call from Lou asking me to watch Lux for the day because she has some meeting to attend last minute. So around 8 am, she dropped off a pretty hyper two year old. I decides to leave Harry to sleep and take Lux out for some breakfast at a cafe down the street to our hotel. I carry her in my arms, walking down the pretty busy street. Lux wears a pink shirt with a little unicorn in the middle and rainbow leggings. She has her hair in pigtails with little bows. Her shoes light up every time she steps. She looks absolutely adorable.

We walk into the coffee shop, the little bell over the door ringing indicating our arrival. I don't want to stay for long because we can get noticed and putting Lux in that situation is the last thing I want to do. I walk up to the counter, looking at the menu on top. I decide I'll just get a coffee as I'm not hungry, and look down at Lux.

"What do you wanna eat Luxy?" I ask her gently. She bites her finger, looking at the different breakfast foods on display. She points her finger to a Nutella filled croissant, smiling widely at it. I laugh and tell the worker our orders, adding a small orange juice to go for Lux to drink later. I realized Harry would probably be hungry once he wakes up so decide to get him a breakfast sandwich. We only had to wait about five minutes 'til it was ready. I take the to go bag and head out back to the hotel.

"Where the hell did you run off to?" I hear a recently woken up Harry from the other room as soon as I walk into our suite. I place the bag onto the kitchen counter and bring Lux with me to the bedroom. Harry lays there with the TV remote in hand. He looks up at us, his face lighting up when his eyes land on Lux and I. "Well isn't this a nice surprise" He says turning off the TV and coming over to us. Holding his arms out for Lux, he takes her in his arms and follows me to the kitchen so I can feed her.

"You went out to get food and didn't take me?" He says in offense. I seat Lux on the couch, giving her her croissant. I pour the orange juice in her baby bottle making it easier for her to drink without spilling anything. Rolling my eyes, I grab the sandwich I got for Harry and throw it at his face playfully. He's taken aback at the action until he sees what it was that I threw at him.

"Have I ever told you how much I love you?" He asks looking down at the bacon, egg and cheese bagel sandwich. I roll my eyes again and smile sarcastically. "Only when it's convenient" I say causing him to laugh loudly. I giggle shaking my
head at him. I walk over to Lux, seeing that she's done, and pick her up to wash her face of crumbs. I sit her on the island and grab a few paper towels and wet them slightly. Grabbing her face gently, I wipe off the Nutella and pieces of croissant off her face. She giggles cutely when I do so, making me smile.

"Alright Lux, all done! You wanna go play with your toys?" I ask setting her down on the floor. She nods her head quickly, running out of the kitchen and to her bag of toys. "Be careful Lux! Don't run!" I say causing her to slow down instantly. I laugh to myself and look forward to see Harry looking at me. He smiles at me and looks down at his sandwich. I raise my eyebrows in question to his weird behavior.

"What?" I ask, confusion laced in my voice. He looks back up, shaking his head with an unreadable expression. "Nothing it's just..The way you are with Lux, it's endearing. You'd be a good mum" He says quietly. I blush and chuckle looking at Lux talking to herself as she plays with her dolls. I shrug looking back at Harry. "It's kinda natural with Lux I guess, but with my own baby? I don't know about that" I laugh shyly. He shakes his head, dismissing my comment. "I know you'll be amazing with your kids" He reassures me. I smile, taking his plate and washing it for him. He thanks me with a playful sloppy kiss on the cheek, making me have to push his head away laughing.

"Why is Lux with you anyways? Where's Lou?" He asks, drying off the plate and putting it in the cabinet. I sit down on the couch, bringing my knees up to my chest to give space for Harry to sit as well. "Lou has a last minute meeting so she called in a favor early this morning while you were sleeping. When she came she hadn't eaten so I took her out while you slept" I say looking at the blonde toddler sitting on the carpet with her toys all around. He hums, looking at Lux as well and smiling.

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