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May 29, 2013
London, England

"I can already tell you were here" Harry smirks, dropping our bags at the entrance of his London home. Today is the first day of break for the boys. Harry and I caught a plane from Portugal last night and we just got here. The feeling of being home was always refreshing, but the feeling of being home with Harry is indescribable. I'm happy he gets to see his family as well as mine. He can finally rest after so much chaos these months.

"What are you talking about?" I ask groggily, plopping on his living room sofa. He chuckles and studies the house, looking for anything out of the ordinary. He sniffs the air playfully and looks back with a smug smile.

"The smell of your perfume is evidence all over this house" His eyebrows raised. I can't smell anything but I wouldn't be able to anyways since I'm used to the smell. The fact that Harry knows my smell stirs something in me for a split second.

"That's actually creepy" I cringe playfully. He rolls his eyes and carries our suitcase upstairs. Before he makes it all the way, he crouches down so I can see his face.

"My room or your room?" He asks, a soft smile on his face. He doesn't have to specify what he's talking about because I know he's asking where I want my luggage. I think for a second and just decide to tell him to place it in his room. We aren't staying in London for long and we always share a bed anyways. As he goes upstairs to leave our things, I go to the kitchen to make us something to eat. The flight from Lisbon to London was almost 3 hours and it was way too early for my liking.

I open the fridge to see that the housekeeper bought a couple things recently. Scanning through everything, I grab some eggs and milk. Opening the cabinet, I find the flour and grab a large bowl to pour everything in. Searching my mind for anything else I could add, I spot a bag of chocolate chips on the counter. Mixing everything in, I turn on the stove and grab a medium sized pan. Hearing footsteps getting closer and a chair screeching on the floor, I turn around to see an amused Harry.

"Whatever your doing, just don't burn my house down" He says seriously. I narrow my eyes at him and continue to work on the food. He laughs and I hear him get up. I don't bother asking where he's going knowing he'll be right back anyways. The sound of scribbling is heard when he takes a seat and I turn around, confused on what he's writing. Seeing my confusion, he speaks up.

"I have to write a speech for mum and Robin's wedding, I'm his best man" He says nervously. I flip the last pancake onto a plate and set it on the island. I place two other plates for us both and sit in front of him.

Anne and Robin's wedding was announced only a couple days ago when we were in Madrid. I remember them planning the wedding briefly but never gotten around to doing it since Harry was busy all the time. Anne texted him that night telling us about the wedding and how it's going to be June 1st. I was ecstatic but stressed because I still needed a dress. Harry already told Caroline to get me a dress even though I refused, there was no arguing with him. The boys were all invited and Lou and Caroline were as well. My mum and I happen to be Anne's bridesmaids and my dad is one of Robin's groomsmen, which made my heart swell when I heard the news.

"Are you nervous?" I ask him seeing his hesitant demeanor. He sighs and pushes the paper and pencil away from him, grabbing a pancake. I do the same, drowning it in maple syrup. The gooey substance filling my plate completely.

"Yes I am and- You have to stop using so much syrup love, it is not healthy" He says in amusement. I dismiss his comment and respond to what he said first.

"Harry, I know you're nervous but you'll do great, whatever you say will come from your heart. Robin knows you'll say the right thing" I smile reassuringly. He smiles back and a comfortable silence takes over while we eat. My mind starts ripping through the endless imaginary list I have in my mind of things to do before the wedding. As a bridesmaid, Anne put me in charge to get everything in line and make sure nothing goes wrong. I did send all the invitations to who she told me to and everyone answered back to rsvp. The dresses aren't matched but are expected to be the same color which is a lilac purple. Caroline informed me that my appointment for the dress was later this afternoon so we can get it over with before I leave to Holmes Chapel.

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