Best Song Ever

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July 19, 2013
Miami, Florida

"Zayn stop moving!" I groan, trying to make his fake boobs stay in place. He swats at my hand dramatically, whining at how uncomfortable his attire feels.

Today is the first day of filming Best Song Ever and I somehow got the task to make Zayn look like a full on woman. Don't ask me why I got this job, I just walked in and was asked to make him look like a woman. I don't know what this song is about or what this music video is about but the amount of times I've tried to keep my laugh in when seeing Zayn struggle with his boobs is too many to count.

Harry didn't tell anyone I was coming back as it was last minute anyways, so they were extremely happy to see us come into the set together. Harry and I are better than ever, we agreed to let what happened go and don't let it come between us. We're gonna have fights some point in our relationship, it's normal.

"Can you stop poking me with that?" Zayn pushes my hand away as I fill in his eyelids with natural tone of eyeshadow.

"Zayn if you don't stop I will purposely poke your eye out" I smile sarcastically. His eyes widen and he obediently closes his eyes and stays still I continue my work, adding a bit of eyeliner and mascara to accentuate his eyes. I finish off his face with a light pink lip gloss and smile at my work.

"Alright you're done" I say cheerfully, fixing the wig on his head. He turns around to look in the mirror and cringes. I laugh loudly at his reaction making him scowl at me.

"I'm not the one who said to make you look like a girl" I shrug, putting away all the materials. As I lean down to pick up a brush I dropped, a large body bumps into me. I turn around to see a bald man with a blonde beard in a black suit standing there with a smile.

"I'm sorry, I didn't see you there" He says in an american accent. I smile awkwardly at the strange man as he stares me at me expectantly.

"It's ok.." I trail off, dusting my hands of all the excess makeup. I notice he's still standing there smiling at me creepily and I look at him weirdly.

"Do you.. Do you need anything?" I ask slowly. His face twists slightly and then he bursts out laughing. That laugh. I know that laugh. No way. I look closely at the stranger and realize he's no stranger at all.

"Niall?!" I ask in shock, looking him up and down to make sure I'm not imagining anything.

"That's me!" His Irish accent comes out.

"What the hell is this? Zayn is dressed as a woman, you an old man, what else is there?" I laugh lightly.

"Well Louis is dressed similar to me, Liam has blonde hair and Harry-" He cuts himself off and smirks before adding. "Come with me".

I follow him through the set, confused on where he's taking me. I look around and realize that the set looks like an office display. Multiple white tables are littered around one room, another room has a large desk and a couch across from it. People are scrambling to get everything done for the music video since it has to be done and edited before the 22nd. I crash into Niall with a grunt and mutter a sorry to him as I realize we stopped.

"Em, meet Marcel" He points at a boy with black glasses and a white button up with a brown checkered sweater vest over it. I look at his face for a second and immediately laugh, realizing who 'Marcel' really is.

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