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December 24, 2013
London, England

Today was Louis' birthday and tomorrow was Christmas and we had a whole dinner planned at the house. Harry invited everyone and their families, so that meant a whole feast was to be done. Anne promised she would help me in the kitchen which I appreciated immensely. I mean making dinner for more than twenty people was a lot. And the boys ate like pigs.

I mean they are growing men and they all workout a lot so I don't blame them for their constant eating, but god. Niall especially is always in the kitchen or break room eating some thing. That boy had a black hole as a stomach.

My plan was to just bake some corn bread and chicken meal and Harry could help me with the pasta. He makes really good pasta so I gave him that job being he isn't doing anything.

I has bought everyone's present two weeks ago and I was nervous to see what everyone thought. I mean getting presents was hard because everyone had what they needed. The boys were millionaires for gods sakes. It was hard getting them something they couldn't.

Christmas was always my favorite holiday since I was a little girl because that meant I got to go to Harry's house and we'd all have dinner. Not that I never went to his house everyday, but the thought of celebrating it with him was my favorite thing. We'd always bake the cookies with Anne and Gemma, decorating them quite horribly if I had to be honest.

We didn't have much creativity back then.

Our parents never spoiled us that much with gifts and we never expected it. To this day we still don't. Gifts aren't the real reason someone should celebrate Christmas, it's just a bonus to having everyone you love in one place. I'm sure all the boys believe the same thing.

I think I did pretty good with the gifts this year because my relationships with everyone definitely grew, not only Harry and I. The more I spent time with the boys the more I found out about them, the more I got closer to them. I always knew them at a good level to the point where we talked a lot, but we established a whole different level of our friendships, mostly building the unexplainable trust and adoration I have for them.

"Harry" I groan, shaking him to wake up. It was already noon and we had to start getting everything ready. Our families were already down stairs making lunch so we're fueled for the day. He shakes his head stubbornly and makes the situation worse by wrapping his arms around me tightly, trapping me.

I laugh at his childishness and push against his chest, somehow freeing myself from his hold. I ignore his pout and pull him up to his feet so he can get ready. He planned all this so he can't complain about anything.

"I'm gonna regret this aren't I?" He sighs, knowing the answer to his own question. I shrug and peck his lips softly before patting his chest, pointing to the closet.

"Get dressed unless you want everyone to see you naked" I joke, half serious about it. He smirks, obviously taking my demand the wrong way.

"Wouldn't you enjoy that" He teases, pinching my hips. I squeal in response, jumping away from him. His laughter booms through the room and before he can get closer, I point to the bathroom door sternly. He huffs in annoyance but obliges to my demand, knowing we won't be getting anything done if he stays like that.

I get back to the kitchen to see our mums already getting everything out of the freezer so we can prepare it for the night. I wasn't exactly sure when everyone was suppose to come but I assume I have enough time to get everything ready.

"Here darling, I can do the chicken and you and Harry can do the rest" Anne offers, pointing to the things they had taken out already. I shrug softly, nodding in agreement because I know I won't be able to do this all alone anyways.

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