You and I

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August 22, 2013
London, England

After a day off, I knew today we finally had to get back to work. Tonight we have a flight to New York. The boys have the Today Show performance tomorrow morning, the VMA's in three days and the This Is Us Premiere except this time in Brooklyn, plus multiple press conferences. They're gonna be extremely busy and I'm gonna be on and off of work, depending if Julian needs me or if any offer comes up. So far, I've only been working on the boys' album since it's my biggest project and my first priority. Other than that, Julian wants me attending all the events the boys go to.

Harry woke me up at around 7 in the morning as he was rummaging through the room. He said we had to do some things so now, I'm getting dressed for whatever Harry said we have to do.

"Love, just wear anything it's nothing huge" Harry groans from where he lays on the bed like a starfish. I roll my eyes and grab a simple black crop top and white shorts. He smiles in satisfaction when he sees I'm ready and stands up, rushing me out the door. I laugh at his eagerness and get into the car.

"So what are we doing exactly?" I ask as I tie my shoe being that he didn't even let me do that.

"You'll see" He says suspiciously. I nod and look out the window in the meanwhile.

The drive was about twenty minutes and I still have no idea where we are. Harry parks in a lot in front of what looks like a business building yet I don't know what business it is. I unbuckle my seat belt and get out of the car. Harry leads me to the double doors of the building and we walk in. I look around and see an office and all around the walls are pictures of houses. We stand in front of a window where a lady immediately recognizes us.

"Harry! Glad you came on time. Here it is and here's the paperwork as well to put her name under it" She says. I look at both of them completely confused but get no answers as Harry just smile and says a thank you before walking out.

"Ok what the hell is going on Harry" I ask sternly, stopping right outside the building. He turns around and huffs in annoyance.

"I'll explain once we get home, come on" He tries to drag me to the car but I stay put.

"I'm not leaving until you tell me what's happening" I say stubbornly. He rolls his eyes and sighs, stepping closer to me.

"She's the one who sold me my house" He says simply.

"Ok? What did she give you then"

"A key"

"A key?"

"Yes Emiliana a key!" He says in a slightly higher voice.

"Why the hell do you need another key?" I ask in frustration, not getting the straight answers I want.

"This key is for you so when you move in you have your own instead of my guest one!" He blurts out. I shut my mouth instantly and look at him with wide eyes. I stare at the envelope that holds my supposed key then back at him.

"I-I..You.. What?" I ask incredulously.

"I was gonna ask you to move in with me over a nice lunch but I guess not" He chuckles awkwardly. I suddenly feel guilty that I ruined his surprise but then remember what he said.

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