Chapter 15

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"It means that you don't actually have to marry Anthony." My father finished.

"Of course I don't because it is a free country." I may or may not have given my dad an attitude.

"This letter was written many years ago, so of course the royal family isn't going to keep up with the tradition but they have on condition," My mother spoke as she looked at me,'They would like for you and Anthony to give a relationship another chance, and if in a year and a half it doesn't work out they will make it seem like this letter doesn't exist. On the other hand if it does Anthony was the first born meaning he needs to take over the position as king on 20th birthday meaning you two as long as you both agree would need to get married if you two were still together if not then you two split up you go your way him his way."

I was completely shocked I mean this was better than being forced into a marriage obviously they were giving us an option, "Along with that if u two don't work out that you need to lose all connections to Anthony and his family." my father finished.

Realization hit me like a wall of bricks. "So you." I pointed to Ethan. "And you." I pointed to Anthony." my hand shook as I covered my mouth. "You two are princes and all this time you played with my heart just because of this stupid letter saying for my great great grandfather to be spared his life I had to marry you?"

They looked between each other without a word, "I'm just happy your parents have some heart and aren't forcing me into something that was apparently normal about many many years ago."

I sat down on the ground as Ethan came over, "Ya, I wanted to tell you but Anthony wouldn't let me." I was still at a loss for words.

"So you are related and your royalty?" Ethan just nodded his head.

Okay so I wanted a fairytale of my own but not one like this, especially if Anthony is the prince. I hated his guts and now I knew why he left that letter in my locker.

"Mia?" My mom asked, me as I came back from being zoned out.

"Ya." I looked up at her, then I remembered something else, which I had promised Jamie I would tell my parents.

"Umm I applied to a college in the UK." I blurted out not very carefully.

"Well, we can discuss that another time." My dad looked at me with big eyes, as if saying, this is not the time to say that.

"Well, I am Terra." Anthony and Ethan's mom shook my hand.

"I am William." Followed by their dad who shook my hand.

"Can I just go get fresh air really quick?" My mother noded in approval and I ran outside and sat on the grass.

I heard the door's hinges creak and knew someone was coming toward me. I lifted my head to find that it was Anthony. He sat down next to me and it was quiet for a little while until he broke it.

"I know you wish it were Ethan and not me, but it says the oldest son and that's me by 10 months." He laughed a little while he tried to break the awkwardness but it just made it even worse.

"So I basically have an arranged marriage?" I sighed

"No not exactly, if you go on what the letter said then yes but my parents would never force someone into a marriage if they didn't truly love each other. That is where they came up with this agreement. As much as we don't have a choice they need you to agree."

"Okay, as long as in a year in a half when I still don't love you, no offense, we can forget all about this and move on with our lives." I spoke looking at him.

"A year and half." He nodded his head.

It was quiet for a small portion of time before I broke the silence, "Hey wait if you are from the UK why don't you have an accent?" I started to laugh at how weird my question really was.

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