Chapter 30

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"Congratulations to the graduating class of 2015!" The principal, Mr. Donald yells into the microphone as all of the class rows their caps into the air, including me.

Once my cap is retrieved I go on the scavenger hunt of finding my parents. Trying to get my an emotional sea of newly high school graduates is not the easiest to do, luckily within a fear moment I spot my parents who both have proud tears in their eyes, no they aren't together but over the past 6 months they have gotten over being mad at each other. When I'm within a few feet from the two I make run toward them with arms open. "We are so proud of you honey!" My mom says while my father kisses my head.

"Thank you!" I feel a poke on my shoulder and I turn around.

Standing there holding hands, finally, was Jamie and Kian. Now I never thought that was going to happen but shortly after prom Jamie broke things off with her boyfriend. I didn't find out until a couple weeks ago when I caught them kissing, in my living room. Anyways I embrace both of them in a huge with tears in my eyes. "It went by so fast, it was like yesterday was our first day of freshman year!" Jamie cries on my shoulder.

"How the hell am I going to survive going across the ocean without the two of you?" I question as I let go of the two.

"Trust me a couple weeks out there and your going to be like, Kian and Jamie who?" Kian tries to say in girly voice.

I laugh and the three of us make our way to the front of the school. The last time we will be walking through the field, through these halls, where have the four years gone. I looked around my school one last time, the bricks weren't the same color, paled with age. The grass was starting to become the bright green it once had been. Next fall new student will be coming where their experience in these wall will go just as fast. Tears start to fall as I continue to think of all the memories but I'm brought back when I hear my mom's voice.

"Let's get a picture of the three of you I front of the building!" Kian, Jamie, and I walk hand and hand to the from and we pull each other close looking at the camera.

"You okay?" Kian whispers in my ear.

I smile and nod "Just going to miss you guys."

He kisses my head and runs his hand up and down my arm, "Trust me you aren't getting ride of us yet."

"Ready on the count of three! One."

I wish he was here.


I should have let him stay


The three of us smile and the flash goes off. "You guys are coming to my party tonight, right?" Kian asks after my parents start there way over to say bye to Kian and Jamie.

Both my and the red head of a best friend/ cousin nod. When my parents embrace the two the tell them not to be shy and to come by anytime they want.
Then turn to me, "We will see you at home make sure you are back by 5 so we can go out to eat and then you will be free to do whatever please, within reason." My dad says then kisses my forehead followed shortly by my mother.

Once they walk away, Jamie kisses Kian straight on the lips. "Excuse me, but I don't need to see this my eyes are innocent!" I yell but they continue to kiss ignoring my protests so I just turn and pretend their not their. Geez friends these days.

Peeking over my shoulder I see the two are finished and I hug them both, "I'll see you two later, I'm going to head home so my parents and I can head to the restaurant." They say bye, and I make my way through the parking lot one last time and to my car to head home.


"Please be safe and if your going to drink please call one of us and we will pick you up no question asked, I don't want you to drink and drive." My mom says with my father agreeing.

"I understand and I promise if by even the smallest tiniest chance that I do I will make sure I call one of you, I love you and I will see you later." Kissing each of them on the cheek, I grab my keys and make my way toward my car.

"Kian's house here I come!"


When I walked through the door it was like party central, and when you don't like being In a place with no room a party is most definitely not the way to go. Way too many people and some people I don't know, I bet most people here Kian doesn't even know. Let's let strangers in our house because that's always safe! Yea, no.

Making my way through the crowd of people I find myself in the hallways that leads to Kian's room. Better not.
I slowly walk back until I bump into someone. Turning around I find it is Jamie. "Finally! Come on Kian and some of our other friends have been waiting for you out back."

Jamie grabs my arm and pulls me through everyone, when we finally make it to the back I see most of my friends standing there. When Jamie and I make it back there everyone waves or says hi or something along those lines. I wave back and stand next to them, the music in the house fading as we look at the fire.

"Remember freshman year when we caught skipping class to try and sneak out to see the senior boys practicing for their basketball game." Jamie says turning toward me.

I start laughing remembering the memory. "Yea we watched for a solid 10 minutes before Mr. Donald caught us and tried to give us a detention but you told him that it was for a project on basketball and he bought it but told us to go back."

Jamie starts to bend over in tears along with me. "I remember the first year of Spanish, Quinn and I were passing notes and our teacher, I can't even remember her name, but she grabbed it out of Sam's hands, bad choice. Sam ripped it out of her hands and started yelling at her in Spanish. I don't know what she said because just as fast has she took it she handed it back and walked to her desk. The rest of the year she was always nice to Sam and I." Quinn says taking a look in Sam's direction laughing while trying to do an impression of their teacher.

This is how the rest of the hour went, while random people and some people we may know were inside we were outside sharing memories and jokes remembering how high school was.

"It was a crazy ride, but a hell of a fun one.' Kian says while lifting his cup, 'To the rest of our lives and may we never forget these people, may we never forget the memories we made and who helped us with this journey!"

We all lift what ever we are drinking, me a cup of soda, and cheer to high school, and to the rest of our lives.


Happy New Year's (Eve) everyone! Thank you all for joining me on this amazing, crazy journey of writing this story, after a little over a 1 year of writing this story I finally finished. I believe this book really shows how much my writing has grown since and there is only room for improvement! After 30 chapters, hundreds on thousands(maybe more) words and so much support this book is complete and I am proud to say that 'Not So Cinderella' is finally complete! I hope the new year brings a lot more writing and good times and health for everyone! Thank you again without all of you this could never have been possible! Have an amazing year/day/night and just to let you know there is a very large chance their will be a second book! So stay tone for that!

And for the last time on this book I am proud to say


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